Grand Hotel Comments

  • Angie 2022-03-20 09:02:23

    If you don’t see it, you don’t know that it is a tragedy. The so-called “grand hotel” translates to “life is like a...

  • Branson 2022-03-20 09:02:23

    1. The connection between the beginning and the end is wonderful. After watching the movie, I turned to look at the beginning, which is really great; 2. People come and go, life is different, but they all settle in a similar place; 3. Big The restaurant witnesses the glimpses of money, humanity, and...

  • Cesar 2022-03-20 09:02:23

    Worth every claim as an Oscar best picture! Saw it on the plane to...

  • Angela 2022-03-20 09:02:23

    Joan Crawford and her rival Betty Davis are fans of Garbo, but the latter is not as fanatical as the former. Crawford once said that in front of the mysterious Garbo, "Knees are straight and soft. Her beauty is breathtaking, and you want to bend the lace edge for a while." Because of this, I heard that there is no idol in the film. She was very disappointed during the scene. Even Garbo once asked the director, "Why didn't I have the same scene with Miss Crawford?" To this Edmund Goulding...

  • Wellington 2022-03-19 09:01:07

    With Garbo, everything looks...

  • Vella 2022-03-19 09:01:07

    All-star film, the first minute the woman was still sad about the death of the baron she loved, the next minute she burst into tears and laughed at the other rich man,"Grand hotel, always the same, people come, poeple go , nothing has ever...

  • Frederic 2022-03-19 09:01:07

    In grand hotel, people come; people go. Nothing have ever happened (just like the way life always remains). In addition, is the power of love really that big? Really jealous. Why I never felt...

  • Justyn 2022-03-19 09:01:07

    The story is not too good, the structure is rigid. This is the first time I have seen low-level matching errors in a blockbuster film. Was the film too expensive at that...

  • Valentin 2022-03-19 09:01:07

    The most favorite Garbo show, it's so earthy but she can really make the air around her cry and laugh with...

  • Edwin 2022-03-18 09:01:05

    6. In the big hotel, Garbo and Crawford have never seen each...

Extended Reading

Grand Hotel quotes

  • Grusinskaya: Can you imagine a hundred girls in the ballet school, each thinking she would become the most famous dancer in all the world? I was ambitious then. We were drilled like little soldiers. No rest, no stopping. I was little, slim, but hard as a diamond. Then I became famous and - But why am I telling you all this? Last night, I didn't know you at all. Who are you, really?

    Baron Felix von Geigern: What?

    Grusinskaya: I don't even know your name.

    Baron Felix von Geigern: [laughs] I am Felix Benvenuto Freihern von Geigern. My mother called me "Flix".

    Grusinskaya: [joyously] No! Flix! Oh, that's sweet. And how do you live? And what kind of a person are you?

    Baron Felix von Geigern: I'm a prodigal son, the black sheep of a white flock. I shall die on the gallows.

  • Preysing: I don't know much about women. I've been married for 28 years, you know.