Grand Hotel Comments

  • Dolores 2022-03-25 09:01:15

    At the end of the film, "The Blue Danube" was played. This dark and cold atmosphere suddenly had a hint of sneering teasing: the baron was dead, the dancer was gone, and the typist and the little man went to another "Grand Hotel". However, the pilot came, and the waiter's wife gave birth... As Dr. Scarface said, "The big hotel is always the same. People come and go, everything is business as usual", we are guarding different eras, but we always walk the same...

  • Lourdes 2022-03-25 09:01:15

    Group play at the Grand Hotel. There is love, there is crime, it is actually a small stage of life. People come and go, just like the world. Warm up the Grand Budapest...

  • Micaela 2022-03-25 09:01:15

    Apart from the love line, there is nothing to complain about. (but who ever knows about...

  • Kaela 2022-03-23 09:02:47

    At the end of the night, the sun rises. The deceased has passed away, passing by in a...

  • Dennis 2022-03-23 09:02:47


  • Aurelia 2022-03-23 09:02:47

    People come and go, and no one remembers them after they leave. It seems that Hollywood has fully realized the role of stars at that time, and the lineup is breathtakingly gorgeous, both Garbo and...

  • Rigoberto 2022-03-23 09:02:47

    Great hotel, people come and go, everything is business as usual. The next tenant won't know what happened to the house he lives in, like no one can tell what he will meet tomorrow, meet love, meet luck, or some people will never see the sun tomorrow. Garbo is too beautiful, she looks innocent like a girl in the forest who doesn't eat fireworks, not to mention the ultimate killer like a ballet tutu! Miss Crawford is not aggrieved, only a typewriter [manual...

  • Jamir 2022-03-21 09:02:45

    The foreplay of the film is a bit long. After all the passion has been exhausted, the feeling comes in the last ten minutes. Does it make me happy or...

  • Alia 2022-03-21 09:02:45

    If you check out, someone else will sleep in your bed tomorrow, and it will have nothing to do with you anymore. Big hotels are always like this, people come and go, and nothing happens, not even love, friendship, cheating,...

  • Samson 2022-03-20 09:02:23

    The English version of "Tea House". Garbo is so beautiful and Joan has good acting skills. The story is good. The Baron confirms Darwin’s principle of survival of the fittest. A man with a title, debt-laden and powerless, unnecessary self-esteem, does not accept the help of women, only steals but cannot even guarantee his own life. It's really pathetic. Look at other people's little typists who are self-reliant, and can't help but lower their eyebrows and follow their eyes, and they will have...

Extended Reading

Grand Hotel quotes

  • Grusinskaya: Can you imagine a hundred girls in the ballet school, each thinking she would become the most famous dancer in all the world? I was ambitious then. We were drilled like little soldiers. No rest, no stopping. I was little, slim, but hard as a diamond. Then I became famous and - But why am I telling you all this? Last night, I didn't know you at all. Who are you, really?

    Baron Felix von Geigern: What?

    Grusinskaya: I don't even know your name.

    Baron Felix von Geigern: [laughs] I am Felix Benvenuto Freihern von Geigern. My mother called me "Flix".

    Grusinskaya: [joyously] No! Flix! Oh, that's sweet. And how do you live? And what kind of a person are you?

    Baron Felix von Geigern: I'm a prodigal son, the black sheep of a white flock. I shall die on the gallows.

  • Preysing: I don't know much about women. I've been married for 28 years, you know.