Grand Hotel Comments

  • Friedrich 2022-04-22 07:01:44

    MGM's all-star urban, sophisticated nonsense. "the Grand Hotel" formula, art-deco...

  • Nicolette 2022-04-22 07:01:44

    The main line "One Day in the Life" that connects the whole drama is quite good, but a single story is not very good. Two film forms: rigorous classical drama, casual realism. The characters in classical dramas are all the same, with a thousand faces, with commonalities but no individuality, more like a group of boring robots acting. Notes: "A group performance film based on space is almost always strictly limited in time", and the narrative form presents a spatio-temporal structure of "closed...

  • Karson 2022-04-22 07:01:44

    Problems that are very problematic: 1. The plot is weak, and only some of the fighters dare to mention it in a hurry; 2. The connection of the close-up shots is very unsmooth, and it does not reach the top level of the golden age at all. Other shot scheduling is also quite conservative (in terms of matching with its subject); 3. An obvious flaw in the killing sequence, which is incomprehensible. It is worth comparing the performances of the two female actors, Crawford is obviously quite modern,...

  • Emmalee 2022-04-22 07:01:44

    The script is a train that runs out of control and derails, headed toward something...

  • Priscilla 2022-04-21 09:03:01

    The little story in the big hotel, you are here today, and you are the protagonist. Another person arrives tomorrow, and the protagonist is another person! When I was a child, I saw Garbo's "La Traviata" and thought she was beautiful. Looking at her today, I feel that she is so beautiful that it is not real at all. On the contrary, I prefer the performance of Zhong Ge Luo...

  • Imelda 2022-04-21 09:03:01

    A very anti-routine film, where reality and film alternate constantly, and in the end, the Earl is really pitiful as the victim of everyone. In the early 1990s, it was really good. Everyone was stupid and had no money and simply fell in love with each...

  • Shannon 2022-04-21 09:03:01

    Great but should be a stage...

  • Isabell 2022-04-21 09:03:01

    Grand hotel. People come, people go. Nothing ever happens. There were so many beautiful movies in America at that...

  • Xzavier 2022-04-21 09:03:01

    It's still more classic, and the early Hollywood was not so...

  • Candice 2022-04-21 09:03:01

    Occupational disease, the whole film is most concerned about the decoration, design, furniture and equipment of the entire hotel... The content itself, probably because they are all-stars, the two heroines are so beautiful, the story itself... It tends to be second-class level, especially the play In the eyes of modern people, too many things cannot stand scrutiny and are too...

Extended Reading

Grand Hotel quotes

  • Grusinskaya: Can you imagine a hundred girls in the ballet school, each thinking she would become the most famous dancer in all the world? I was ambitious then. We were drilled like little soldiers. No rest, no stopping. I was little, slim, but hard as a diamond. Then I became famous and - But why am I telling you all this? Last night, I didn't know you at all. Who are you, really?

    Baron Felix von Geigern: What?

    Grusinskaya: I don't even know your name.

    Baron Felix von Geigern: [laughs] I am Felix Benvenuto Freihern von Geigern. My mother called me "Flix".

    Grusinskaya: [joyously] No! Flix! Oh, that's sweet. And how do you live? And what kind of a person are you?

    Baron Felix von Geigern: I'm a prodigal son, the black sheep of a white flock. I shall die on the gallows.

  • Preysing: I don't know much about women. I've been married for 28 years, you know.