Gorillas in the Mist Comments

  • Immanuel 2023-09-11 02:26:05

    The alien heroine is so changeable!...

  • Letitia 2023-09-07 23:16:51

    The film was nominated for the 61st Oscar for Most Actress, Adapted Screenplay, Editing, Sound Effects and Soundtrack. Think of the slogan of the Animal Protection Foundation in the public service advertisement, "Remember, when the purchase stops, the killing will also stop." If the protagonist can realize that poverty is the only motivation for the indigenous people to kill wild animals, perhaps the problem will be better solved. But still pay tribute to her efforts to protect the diversity of...

  • Cristobal 2023-08-05 17:03:31

    The focus should not be on whether Dian's countermeasures are reasonable, but on destiny, the sense of mission and responsibility for things that have nothing to do with him, which is the most shocking...

  • Tiana 2023-07-25 13:44:54

    Many people in the highland orangutan are full of doubts about the world, and he always feels that others are trying to deceive him. They are dark in their hearts and never sincere, so they feel that others are very dark. Even if they are married, they will still plot against you and beware of you, and they will have a strong tendency towards machismo. And because he is not confident in his heart, he is likely to use the number of women he has dated as the only way for him to improve his...

  • Layne 2023-07-20 17:00:29

    The film is normal. Praise for the real thing...

  • Horace 2023-07-19 17:56:29

    It won a bunch of Oscar nominations that year, and the brutal murder of the gorilla and the sudden death of the heroine at the end were so...

  • Bette 2023-07-16 16:31:16

    The era is beautiful everywhere, just like looking at the Rwanda Hotel, every detail is so...

  • Torey 2023-06-23 08:15:59

    161. In addition to admiration or admiration, but her final state is indeed a bit crazy.

  • Jaylon 2023-06-06 14:53:11

    3.5 points, add 0.5 points to such subjects. It may be due to the age limit. If you look at it today, you will find that the description of the characters in it is actually deliberately dramatic. I don’t think a woman who is determined to engage in such a hard job will still worry about her nails just after getting off the plane. Oil and the hair dryer also don't quite believe in the orderly and decent forest life shown in the film. There is no doubt that she is very great, but the feeling of...

  • Ora 2023-05-28 16:21:19

    From the initial counting of the number of orangutans, to forging a deep friendship with the orangutans, to the heroic struggle against poachers, to the final assassination by a hostile force, smooth and delicate, with ups and downs, a...

Extended Reading

Gorillas in the Mist quotes

  • Sembagare: They think you are a witch.

    Dian Fossey: They wouldn't be the first.

  • Dian Fossey: Get off my mountain!