Ona 2022-11-23 03:59:58
Linking materialist and idealistic discussions directly to free will is a compromise that is insufficiently...
Vicenta 2022-11-21 09:27:38
Compare the student-teacher confrontation to the real existence of God, using adrenaline instead of argument. What is the meaning of this film? ?...
Dagmar 2022-11-21 03:11:03
1. It is a taboo for the whole plot to be advanced by lines. 2. The details are not plump enough. The heart experienced by the male protagonist and the plot twists related to the events are not obvious and vivid. 3. As a Christian movie theme, it is relatively...
Alysa 2022-11-15 19:06:51
The professor's image setting is close to that of the father of the Twelve Angry Men. The center of the contradiction shifts from whether God exists, to whether he believes it, whether he dares to embrace the past and face it squarely. But this ending, stupid...
Bernhard 2022-11-05 18:24:48
Originally, I didn't want to rate the gospel-related movies, but this one is really too bad, and I must be cautious. The characters are all face-painted, and the ending is very speechless. What is the trouble between the father and son talking in Mandarin and Cantonese. I hope the second one can be better, but I don't plan to watch it....
Rosella 2022-10-29 03:51:05
The story structure is lame, but thank God that he is not dead and...
Cristina 2022-10-14 21:21:56
Radicalism even has extreme ideas, and it is no longer as simple as religious...
Deanna 2022-10-13 05:13:01
God is good, all the...
Samson 2022-09-19 17:16:54
There is a little bit of a small flaw in the narrative too fast, and that pair of Chinese fathers and sons talk about chickens to ducks, but the absolute flaws do not hide the...
Roderick 2022-09-16 17:31:22
I don't know exactly what God's wonderful plan in your heart is, and sometimes I don't even know my own. But as the sky is higher than the earth, so is God's will higher than ours. As long as we fully commit to it, He will The peace that surpasses all understanding in Christ Jesus guards our hearts and...
God's Not Dead Comments
Reverend Dave: [Josh is sitting in a pew in the church when the preacher walks in] Waiting for someone?
Josh Wheaton: Yeah, you could say that. It looks like he's out at the moment.
Reverend Dave: Well, maybe that's why he sent me.
Josh Wheaton: I could drop the class, run away, pretend like it never happened, which is what my girlfriend wants. I could sign the paper saying something I don't believe. Or I commit academic suicide in front of a live audience by trying to prove that God exists.
Reverend Dave: How many people in that class?
Josh Wheaton: Eighty maybe.
Reverend Dave: And how may of them do you think would ever step foot in here, or any other church for matter?
Josh Wheaton: Well, none probably.
Reverend Dave: So, your acceptance of this challenge, if you decide to accept it, may be the only meaningful exposure to God and Jesus they'll ever have.
Josh Wheaton: Yeah. Yeah, I suppose so.
Reverend Dave: Check out Matthew 10:32-33.
Josh Wheaton: What, that's it? That's all?
Reverend Dave: Yeah.
[gets up to leave]
Josh Wheaton: Just a Scriptural citation?
Reverend Dave: If you're still undecided after that one, look at Luke 12:48.
Josh Wheaton: It can't be that simple.
Reverend Dave: Sure it can. You're here because that still small voice inside you isn't happy with the choices everyone else wants you to make. Personally, I think it's the Holy Spirit talking to you. That's how He interacts with us if we allow him to. All you have to do is decide whether or not you're willing to listen. It's not easy, but it's simple.