Girl, Interrupted Comments

  • Barry 2022-03-23 09:01:43

    Insanity is not about breaking down or keeping a dark secret alone, but simply because we magnify ourselves and ignore the world. I like Lisa very much, and it looks familiar, but I never found out that it was Julie. . . . . Self-poking...

  • Autumn 2022-03-23 09:01:43

    There is always rebellion in youth, and later we will understand that sometimes those annoying emotions are imposed on ourselves. Whenever we recall hurting our body when we were young, we will chuckle at the arrogance and ignorance at that time. Extreme pain and extreme happiness are the two most addictive emotions in the world, we only need to slowly experience the middle of life on the road of growth. (Winona is still in the heart, although this film has made Julie popular, but her acting is...

  • Sam 2022-03-23 09:01:43

    Growing confusion. Sometimes we despair of the world, it is just being interrupted, accepting the world is the final choice. Lisa finally understood at the end. The flaw is that the front and rear parts feel out of place and the connection is...

  • Krystina 2022-03-23 09:01:43

    "You're just a lazy, willful little girl, you want to drive yourself crazy." The journey of growth, inspection, and quest of a too sensitive and cowardly female Wenqing, the mental hospital in the film has an alternative utopia a feeling of. It looks like a companion to "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", but in fact the background of the story is a bit like "Hotel California". "Crazy is not a moment of insanity or swallowing a dark secret, but a clearening of your personalities. If you've ever...

  • Destini 2022-03-23 09:01:43

    The psychological process is very rough, and it is very difficult to recognize myself. Winona Ned's eyes are sharp, confused, critical, and clear, and there are...

  • Emory 2022-03-23 09:01:43

    Sometimes lunatics believe the world is wrong and resist a return to "normal". "The belief that everyone in the world is drunk and I wake up alone" supports their "very" values, and I once thought that Lisa lived a chic life. It wasn't until Daisy died, Susanna woke up, and recalled that she helped the mistress fight back against her original partner, and then realized that being different was not a license to fight against the world. Crazy is addictive too, may I teach...

  • Jacinto 2022-03-22 09:01:37

    The words on the poster are fine: sometimes, the only way to stay sane is go a little...

  • Celestine 2022-03-22 09:01:37

    what! See Misha Collins playing soy sauce! The soundtrack of the movie is very good The End Of The World - Skeeter Davis 10 years after the film was made, the one who hanged really died, and her husband died of the same disease in the same house the following year (the official cause of death was pneumonia and...

  • Arden 2022-03-22 09:01:37

    James Mangold's work 10 years ago, what I want to express is good, but I really don't think the heroine has any borderline insanity, and the overall plot is a bit loose, and Julie's performance is still good....

  • Jeffry 2022-03-22 09:01:37

    the time you leave.would U say:"frend of mine...

Extended Reading

Girl, Interrupted quotes

  • Daisy: You're just jealous, Lisa... because I got better... because I was released... because I have a chance... at a life.

    Lisa: They didn't release you 'cause you're better, Daisy, they just gave up. You call this a life, hmm? Taking Daddy's money, buying your dollies and your knick-knacks. And eating his fucking chicken, fattening up like a prize fucking heifer? You changed the scenery, but not the fucking situation - and the warden makes house calls. And everybody knows. Everybody knows. That he fucks you. What they don't know... is that you like it. Hmm? You like it.

    Susanna: [to Lisa] Shut the fuck up!

    Lisa: [to Susanna] Hey man, it's cool, it's okay. It's fine, it's fucking fine! A man is a dick is a man is a dick is a chicken... is a dad... a Valium, a speculum, whatever, whatever.

    [then turns to Daisy]

    Lisa: You like being Mrs. Randone. Probably all you've ever known.

    Daisy: Have fun in Florida.

    [she goes upstairs to her room]

  • Janet: I want my fucking clothes!

    Valerie: Then you'll have to eat something, won't you?

    Janet: [singing] Oh Lordy, pick a bale o' cotton / Oh Lordy, pick a bale o' hay / Gotta jump down spin around pick a bale o' cotton / Jump down spin around, pick a bale o' hay...

    Valerie: [to Susanna] She thinks that bothers me.