Girl, Interrupted Comments

  • Madalyn 2022-04-24 07:01:05

    The passion of youth and the radicality of the age are so well combined that psychosis is more of a proof of the existence of the soul. However, just as society will eventually become calm and conservative, many mental disorders will also be cured, and those who cannot or will not be cured will either die or be exiled for life. But who will sing the dirge? There are many who suffer from...

  • Daniella 2022-04-24 07:01:05

    Everyone is psychopath. Face it, don't try to escape, or u'll deeply sick. Winona is astonishingly beautiful no matter what she looks like, Angelina's acting skills are extreme, and the young master's soy sauce is good. The sad thing is that Brittany Murphy ended up going the same way as her...

  • Mortimer 2022-04-24 07:01:05

    I have suffered from depression for the past ten years. Although I think Lisa's reaction to Daisy's suicide was very cold-blooded, her statement "she just needs a reason to kill herself." Maybe we are all the same. Bar. It turns out that this is based on the original author's autobiographical novel. I hope they will all be cured and discharged in the end. When the medical staff was evaluating whether the heroine could be discharged from the hospital, a certain woman asked if the heroine's life...

  • Melyssa 2022-04-24 07:01:05

    ...But I know what it's like to want to die. How it hurts to smile. How you try to fit in but you can't. You hurt yourself on the outside to try to kill the thing on the...

  • Edison 2022-04-24 07:01:05

    The director's position is wrong. Stupid movie. See movie...

  • Austyn 2022-04-23 07:01:45

    I like a lot of the main characters in it. winona, angelina, & Britney Murfey... just for the three of them. . That's a movie worth watching. But winona's performance in it was obviously overwhelmed by several other people who played mental patients. . A bit disappointed....

  • Bernita 2022-04-23 07:01:45

    The young jolie is too jolie, from the face to the figure to the demeanor to the body movements, it is full of the beauty of the soul explosion. This is especially like the little plum, who was sharp and savage when he was young, and became a superstar in the later period. It is an industrial...

  • Mikel 2022-04-23 07:01:45

    Judging from the character medical staff who are most likely to be used in the play, I know that the pattern and starting point of this film are quite remarkable. They are "good", not a tool used to write all kinds of exaggerated dramas. This film For the presentation of mental illness, it is an inner exploration that is spread out, but at the same time, it is parallel. It is not an excessive exaggeration, nor is it a sorting and summary of the disease. It is just a complex fluidity, which the...

  • Andre 2022-03-24 09:01:39

    Mad world, mad time. Winona is so beautiful, Jolie's acting is really amazing. Later, the director asked DuVall to play Deadly ID, which is really suitable for playing a sudden crazy girl. Shenjing Bing's literary and artistic young woman really slapped her face when she saw this...

  • Sidney 2022-03-24 09:01:39

    2011.7.24 Julie's bangs are so ugly~ Julie's eyebrows are so moving~; I don't like the positive happy ending of literary films... In the end, it fell down...

Extended Reading

Girl, Interrupted quotes

  • Daisy: You're just jealous, Lisa... because I got better... because I was released... because I have a chance... at a life.

    Lisa: They didn't release you 'cause you're better, Daisy, they just gave up. You call this a life, hmm? Taking Daddy's money, buying your dollies and your knick-knacks. And eating his fucking chicken, fattening up like a prize fucking heifer? You changed the scenery, but not the fucking situation - and the warden makes house calls. And everybody knows. Everybody knows. That he fucks you. What they don't know... is that you like it. Hmm? You like it.

    Susanna: [to Lisa] Shut the fuck up!

    Lisa: [to Susanna] Hey man, it's cool, it's okay. It's fine, it's fucking fine! A man is a dick is a man is a dick is a chicken... is a dad... a Valium, a speculum, whatever, whatever.

    [then turns to Daisy]

    Lisa: You like being Mrs. Randone. Probably all you've ever known.

    Daisy: Have fun in Florida.

    [she goes upstairs to her room]

  • Janet: I want my fucking clothes!

    Valerie: Then you'll have to eat something, won't you?

    Janet: [singing] Oh Lordy, pick a bale o' cotton / Oh Lordy, pick a bale o' hay / Gotta jump down spin around pick a bale o' cotton / Jump down spin around, pick a bale o' hay...

    Valerie: [to Susanna] She thinks that bothers me.