Girl, Interrupted Comments

  • Madie 2023-09-30 14:32:26

    I just came to see the girl, I really didn't find anything to be sad about her. Is it a nuclear leak or a long-term user of...

  • Kelli 2023-09-30 02:46:34

    She is suitable for combination with a shrew like Sigourney Weihua, which can highlight her delicate and aura characteristics. I like her CALL in Alien 4 the most, followed by this...

  • Kacey 2023-09-12 03:28:02

    To be honest, I didn't feel anything after watching it. I probably felt numb when I watched the psychological film. The very gentle female psychology has no feeling, but I like the performances of Julie and Winona very...

  • Jane 2023-09-10 03:27:26

    Too beautiful! Ryder and Jolie feel so good together, the beauty of both is shocking and unrepeatable. Ryder is just like her sweet and good-looking girl, she is a cute girl who goes around in the dark area, absorbs energy and becomes a normal person, sums up her life with the sense of superiority after reading thousands of sails, and Jolie is exiled in this Spiritual wasteland, their real life and madness are denied, Ryder is really a little bitch...

  • Vivien 2023-08-10 16:27:57

    A normal social person must know how to be restrained, and freedom is imprisoned in a mental hospital. The girl who was taken away by her father actually accepted the rape of her...

  • 晓雪 2023-08-02 07:58:07

    melodramatic yes, and so susanna was normal to start with, grew crazy, realized that she is crazy, then got out normal...

  • Austyn 2023-07-20 13:05:38

    At first it feels a bit like One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, but with a female as the protagonist, the emotions are more sensitive and the plot more disturbing. Angelina Jolie's performance is authentic and thorough. "Crazy isn't about being disheartened, or swallowing a dark secret. It's just you or me, magnifying yourself. If you've ever lied and enjoyed yourself; if you've ever hoped, to be able to live forever...

  • Camryn 2023-07-20 00:01:20

    "Crazy isn't being broken... or swallowing a dark secret. It's you or me... amplified." Maybe everyone is...

  • Arne 2023-07-03 10:54:15

    Lai De is beautiful in black and white, with a small head and big eyes hiding the heart of a middle school girl... In fact, all the guys in the sanatorium are just middle school patients! The film is an encyclopedia of symptoms and treatment plans for secondary diseases! Angelina Jolie is so ecstasy~ The director and screenwriter have contributed! It turns out that the classic photo of Ryder and Jolie came from here (and it was completely unexpected that the former was almost 30 when the film...

  • Elda 2023-05-14 00:14:21

    Watching this film naturally recalls a period of time when I could not find an exit in the darkness and could not see the future. Fortunately, my heart is still strong, and I did not torture myself with pain like the heroine in the film. This movie has made Angelina Jolie. She is still sexy but has a T style. The heroine is very neutral but weak. The combination of the two has a warm...

Extended Reading

Girl, Interrupted quotes

  • Daisy: You're just jealous, Lisa... because I got better... because I was released... because I have a chance... at a life.

    Lisa: They didn't release you 'cause you're better, Daisy, they just gave up. You call this a life, hmm? Taking Daddy's money, buying your dollies and your knick-knacks. And eating his fucking chicken, fattening up like a prize fucking heifer? You changed the scenery, but not the fucking situation - and the warden makes house calls. And everybody knows. Everybody knows. That he fucks you. What they don't know... is that you like it. Hmm? You like it.

    Susanna: [to Lisa] Shut the fuck up!

    Lisa: [to Susanna] Hey man, it's cool, it's okay. It's fine, it's fucking fine! A man is a dick is a man is a dick is a chicken... is a dad... a Valium, a speculum, whatever, whatever.

    [then turns to Daisy]

    Lisa: You like being Mrs. Randone. Probably all you've ever known.

    Daisy: Have fun in Florida.

    [she goes upstairs to her room]

  • Janet: I want my fucking clothes!

    Valerie: Then you'll have to eat something, won't you?

    Janet: [singing] Oh Lordy, pick a bale o' cotton / Oh Lordy, pick a bale o' hay / Gotta jump down spin around pick a bale o' cotton / Jump down spin around, pick a bale o' hay...

    Valerie: [to Susanna] She thinks that bothers me.