Gett Comments

  • Raul 2023-04-21 16:57:59

    Religion is so horrible! Unlike a really tragic life, everyone here can support themselves and live in a safe and high-welfare society, but the fundamentals are really terrifying, and we are a mess compared to our freedom. The director is amazing, using the constant changes in the perspective of the acting characters to make the story of the two scenes very strong and tangled to hold you...

  • Darrell 2023-04-17 20:26:58

    A simple divorce lawsuit lasted for five years. The confrontation in a single scene was extremely tense. The long trial exposed the absurdity of the patriarchal social environment and religious court system. The most rare thing is that the director did not set the heroine as a traditional image of a weak person. She is rebellious from clothing to gestures, and her self-writing, directing and acting are also worthy of...

  • Sedrick 2023-04-06 18:34:49

    7.5/10 The film is directed and starred by Israeli actress Ronette Elkabez. The film tells the story of a five-year divorce lawsuit and a real tragedy of women's humble resistance. The social status quo shrouded by male chauvinism and religious beliefs presents absurd, bizarre, and feudal ideology. The whole indoor courtroom scene from start to finish, calm photography and cool pictures. The depressing courtroom atmosphere, the repeated verbal confrontation, and the complacent Inquisition. The...

  • Michele 2023-04-06 10:25:38

    The liberation of politics and religion is far behind the liberation of the...

  • Isabell 2023-04-05 09:33:39

    In a relationship, sex becomes a tool of...

  • Laverna 2023-04-02 08:00:48

    Comparable to [Twelve Angry Men], when the legal systems of other countries have long pursued the ideals of equality and justice, truth and people's sovereignty, these religious countries are still fighting for their own freedom and freedom because of poor male and female rights and religious shackles. Dignity, what a breathless social tragedy and institutional...

  • Webster 2023-04-02 00:15:55

    Found that it was not marked. It was quite impressive back...

  • Dan 2023-03-11 00:08:48

    The scene is very simple, with a sense of drama. There is very little soundtrack in the whole film, and because it involves religious issues and women's rights, its atmosphere seems very solid, which also makes the film heavy and depressing. Fortunately, the story is not lacking in drama, and conflicts are created through intensive dialogue, and the actors The superb acting skills deeply reflect the most realistic problems in the Middle East. But for the same divorce, I always feel that "A...

  • Kamron 2023-03-05 21:41:22

    Israel isn't as good as it's supposed to be, but the movie is hoping to get better. Without New China, we might be similar to...

  • Jimmy 2023-02-20 20:47:32

    Change the name to "You Don't Know How Much I Love You" is more...

Extended Reading

Gett quotes

  • Viviane Amsalem: Why are you making me run around in circles? Why, Your Honor? Why? Why have I come in and out for years now and nothing's changed? Why? You can't force him to divorce nor to appear, and you can't this or that, and what about me? When will you see me? When I'm too exhausted to stand before you? When? If it were up to you, it could go on for 10 years. I could drop dead in front of you and all you'd see was him! But nobody is above the law. There's a God and there's justice and He'll judge you as you judge me. Mercilessly. You don't care about me!


Director: Ronit Elkabetz

Language: Hebrew,French,Arabic Release date: June 25, 2014