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  • Kamryn 2023-03-20 22:29:27

    There are racial memes everywhere, satirizing a bunch of social phenomena, this kind of comedy can still clear a heavy head once in a...

  • Jacey 2023-03-18 13:02:04

    As a funny movie, the front and back are pretty good, there are a lot of laughs, and the middle part is too much and extremely...

  • Ferne 2023-03-13 16:30:57

    I watched an American talk show for 90...

  • Ruby 2023-03-12 08:38:31

    This comedy is...

  • Dave 2023-03-12 07:47:12

    IQ depends on the joke setting, but Alison Brie is really so...

  • Ethyl 2023-03-07 21:41:14

    Give it a friendship score, I forgot to mark it after reading...

  • Alexane 2023-01-30 07:39:13

    I have been looking forward to the male protagonist's scene in prison, but it...

  • Coleman 2023-01-10 16:08:32

    Extended version, black and white matching, special training of the dead rich man, explosion-proof chrysanthemum, racial jokes, same-sex jokes + shit and shit, all kinds of unscrupulous, very...

  • Joana 2022-12-20 22:01:20

    After half baked, another movie suitable for XXX watching lol...

  • Tessie 2022-12-07 14:55:47

    It's funny, I like it very much, as for the fast food movie, it's good to finish watching it, you don't have to be serious! The highlight of this film is definitely the scene where Brother Hei plays three people by himself. ....

Extended Reading

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  • James King: My real father never had time for me. He shipped me off to boarding school in London with the Murdochs and the Bin Ladens. Of course, that was before. I mean, we knew they cheated in soccer, but had no idea...

  • Darnell Lewis: When you was at Harvard, did you ever get raped for failing a test?

    James King: I think that's more of a Yale thing.