Gemma Bovery Comments

  • Gertrude 2023-09-30 18:33:41

    Fortunately, the third-person perspective + diary is used to tell the story, which has both a sense of presence and a sense of...

  • Emelie 2023-07-19 08:39:35

    Instead of a pure copy, the narrative is completed through Martin's author's eyes, and it is full of literary flavor. At the end of the film, Martin once again invades the lives of others with a kind and harmless image, and the previous absurdity is swept away, leaving only the echoes of thought-provoking questioning. The heroine's derailment and passion scenes are too childish, but they are not the focus of the director's...

  • Loyal 2023-07-05 09:02:50

    The casting is right, the story is...

  • Kelsie 2023-06-01 12:52:08

    A woman bored by the world and burdened by reality, Bovary, is an almost universal...

  • Rico 2023-05-19 16:58:10

    This is a famous town, Madame Bovary choked on bread, Anna Karenina goes online at the end, and the old man's son is named Julian. Isn't this the hero of "Red and Black", so dramatic. The whole painting style is very beautiful, the French is small and fresh, romantic, and the rhythm is soothing. It is good to appreciate the scenery and the beauty of the...

  • Jamil 2023-04-27 22:08:41

    Fantasy and turmoil in the...

  • Angie 2023-04-13 12:56:40

    The unique little melancholy temperament of French films and the absurd ending are really unexpected and...

  • Nellie 2023-04-13 10:39:06

    Wake up times have changed, this ending BGM is too...

  • Derek 2023-03-14 21:13:15

    Originally, I wanted to pass Flaubert's "Madame Bovary" directly, but this new version should only have the general storyline of the original version, and the characters will be different. To be a basic understanding, it should be the plot of the cheating young woman being...

  • Kamryn 2023-03-10 00:23:13

    Fabrice Luchini plays literary idiot...

Extended Reading

Gemma Bovery quotes

  • Martin Joubert: [on secretly observing Gemma seeing a local] This will only end badly

    Martin Joubert: There is a moment when life imitates art