Future World Comments

  • Rahul 2023-04-15 05:11:35

    super. . . . . . . ....

  • Alberto 2023-04-10 15:36:55

    Such a large cast of actors but such a bad plot... One star is for Milla Jovovich, she is really beautiful, even if she is a lunatic in...

  • Amelie 2023-03-27 23:30:21

    Don't look at it, these 4 points are for the dedicated Aunt...

  • Zachary 2023-03-20 14:09:28

    Fu Lanlan + Aunt Qiao + AI wasteland, can it really be as bad as a reputation? I don't believe it, you must see it. . I'll go, this is a bullshit story, the action scenes obviously don't have money to shoot, it's like playing a family. . This time, Fu Lanlan was completely on the street....

  • Lacy 2023-03-17 18:18:05

    Is this a tribute to the disaster artist? ? ? Prove that you can also make a movie that is not inferior to the...

  • Dennis 2023-03-17 06:18:23

    2.5 stars. In the era of wasteland, the young prince of the oasis searched for medicine for his mother. He suffered losses from warlords and black bosses along the way, but he also taught the female robot soul what it is, and cooperated to kill the villains. Although it is very stubborn, inexplicable, the text is not correct and the thirteen is not reliable, but it is strange that I am not particularly angry after reading...

  • Reginald 2023-03-17 01:05:02

    43-year-old Mila could have had more...

  • Dayne 2023-03-16 18:26:14

    This film and the folds of time are really bright for a while, and I can't tell which one is worse. This goofy style is produced by Franco. It's a pity that there is only a frame, the filming is rough and loose, and it can't even be regarded as a complete movie. Even Franco found some acquaintances to play a game, and the game was not clever at all. The bad thing is that I even finished watching...

  • Leonor 2023-03-10 11:18:29

    The robot fell in love with Chenxiang and helped him save his...

  • Melody 2023-03-04 12:53:20

    I haven't entered the main story after ¼ time, and Liu Yuling will die before she fights. Is the heroine a humanoid weapon? But it's so weak, half of the time has passed since Mira came out. The previous generation of beautiful robots talked a little too much and seemed to have poor acting skills. And then the heroine gets up and pulls? It's a weird movie anyway. Director, do you know what you're going to...