Frenzy Comments

  • Jayce 2022-03-27 09:01:13

    "You are the type I like..." Follow the long shot of exiting the stairs, the building door, and the street, from suffocating silence to gradually noisy voices... This section is really a classic among classics. The tense and suspenseful atmosphere is still very strong, the sheriff is suffering from his wife's meals, and the people in the hospital help Blaney escape, these small details are often laughable. Rusk's fine blond hair makes me sick to think about it...

  • Green 2022-03-27 09:01:13

    It is very clear to see the change in Hitchcock. A few short paragraphs are very characteristic, and it can be considered that they have not lost their own...

  • Alessia 2022-03-27 09:01:13

    The first half is a very mundane narrative. What is reassuring is the suspense of Xi Fat's high score and the careful layout of the second half. Xi Fat is still Xi...

  • Lee 2022-03-27 09:01:13

    Ordinary detective films, without the characteristics of Xi fat. The serial killer accidentally framed the stupid man, strangled the stupid man and woman, and finally relied on the responsible sheriff to take the initiative to clear the injustice. Although the stupid man was wronged, his actions were damned: everything he did was to put himself on the suspect. A normal person who is suspicious must take the initiative to explain that it fled to avoid the police, and wanted to cross the border...

  • Edythe 2022-03-27 09:01:13

    Hitchcock will never let you down. From the depiction of the crime to the attention to detail, especially the amazing suspenseful ending is one of Hitchcock's pinnacles. And of course the lovely Detective Lady and her ever-confident cooking skills, with a little humor at the same time the horror. All in all, nice...

  • Kallie 2022-03-27 09:01:13

    NY 147. The last one I saw in this Hitchcock Complete Works exhibition, it's still pretty good. This time it was the easy chair detective mode, and the cooking of the detective's wife made the audience laugh, but I was drooling at the pig's trotter, and sure enough, foreigners still can't accept the whole pig's trotter, haha. A total of 28 films cost me 210 dollars, plus the subway fee of 120 dollars, almost catching up with the cost of watching 42 films at the Shanghai Film...

  • Kade 2022-03-26 09:01:09

    The ending has more loopholes, and the rhythm is too loose, not as good as Hitchcock's...

  • Marcellus 2022-03-26 09:01:09

    Black psychology classic Alfred_Hitchcock Hitchcock's funniest and most exciting is a sense of humor, using the camera to play humor, the two detective dinner scenes are the most hilarious times in the audience, it is a very dark and many people die-good people are killed Qu Geguzi is still so funny, the so-called master is not...

  • Erwin 2022-03-26 09:01:09

    Xi Fatt's unique masterpiece in his later years remains a fascinating story. Although the identity of the murderer has been revealed very early, the arrangement of the plot and the design of the details are very clever, which greatly improves the suspense of the film. Call it a stroke of...

  • Arielle 2022-03-26 09:01:09

    7.5 Wrong man routine, there are as many stories as you can say. The potato truck section is very happy, and the most ingenious is the ending, but it took more than a minute and turned a few reversals. But like most Hitchcock films, it's utterly boring most of the...

Extended Reading

Frenzy quotes

  • Robert Rusk: I thought matrimonial agencies were supposed to bring people together?

    Brenda Blaney: Not people like you. Somehow I don't think our clients would appreciate your conception of a loving relationship.

  • Robert Rusk: l like you. You're - my - type of woman.

    Brenda Blaney: Don't be ridiculous.

    Robert Rusk: l'm serious. I respect a woman like you and I know how to treat you as well. You know, in my trade we have a saying. We put it on the fruit. "Don't squeeze the goods 'til they're yours." Now, that's me. I would *never* do that. You know that, don't you?


Director: Alfred Hitchcock

Language: English Release date: June 21, 1972

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