Free Willy Comments

  • Josefa 2022-09-02 14:54:02

    Ahhh, the last scene that stays in my...

  • Patsy 2022-09-02 11:01:16

    I watched it in the distant videotape period, and I was so impressed by the beautiful whale in it that when I was young, I always thought that all whales were so beautiful, but when I grew up, I realized that they were not! Decided to have time to rewatch this...

  • Rebeka 2022-07-29 23:38:46

    Friends than "Friends of the...

  • Shawna 2022-07-29 22:49:32

    "Mermaid Fairy Tales": Revisit the old film. The film follows the rhythm of American daily emotional expression, and naturally inserts the theme of environmental protection. Can people and whales live in harmony? Just as the title says, "That's a fairy tale." The lonely recognize and appreciate each other, and society should give more love to those who are marginalized. Relaxed, pleasant, slightly touching, three-star...

  • Madalyn 2022-07-29 22:25:12

    20190806. Simple and sincere. It was sad to see Willy's collapsed dorsal fin. Later, I heard that he died soon after returning to the sea, and felt a sense of helplessness. Certain evil deeds, once they happen, it is impossible to go back to the past. /Old dreams to be revisited series~~~

  • Kathleen 2022-07-29 16:04:09

    Willie is much happier than Tilikum, and what he greeted after a leap was its ocean. Nothing is impossible, and every individual is special, isn’t...

  • Reggie 2022-07-29 15:40:38

    I like the warmth of 93 American films the most. I don’t know why there were so many films that year. There was no slow rhythm in this film. The music is the biggest highlight. I want to find the music guy to work...

Extended Reading

Free Willy quotes

  • Wade: Whale's still not performing. We're getting deeper into this. And Rae keeps saying we have to expand that tank.

    Dial: Very nice. This is what I get for bringin' the animal in to boost business. Why don't we just move him into the Ritz Carlton? I can tack it onto the 5,000 they just dumped in his latest insurance premium.

    Wade: [chuckles] The whale's worth more dead than alive.

    Dial: It will cost at least 100,000 to expand that psychotic malcontent's playpen.

    Wade: Huh?

    Dial: Oh, God, I hate that whale.

  • Randolph: I saw what you did.

    Jesse: So.

    Randolph: So nothing. I'm sure Willy's grateful.