Free Willy Comments

  • Aletha 2023-06-22 19:48:34

    All things have animism. If you love him, give him freedom, don't restrict him with a...

  • Sandra 2023-06-17 13:53:45

    Revisiting the movies when I was a child, I am still...

  • Shannon 2023-05-30 11:53:03

    If you're fragile, don't order the keiko in the cast, it'll be uncomfortable to watch. Maybe the tragic life of Keiko behind this movie is more legendary than the movie...

  • Fanny 2023-05-21 02:42:01

    The story of the little pot friend and the whale is very...

  • Jerrell 2023-05-17 23:36:40

    touching child and...

  • Dagmar 2023-05-16 02:19:02

    Childhood memory, the harmonica inside is very...

  • Georgiana 2023-05-15 19:40:23

    Quite touching. The ending song is by Michael Jackson

  • Angelo 2023-05-14 04:05:07

    When she was a child, the favorite movie of her friends in the same hospital, she had already started watching English movies to learn English at that time. After being admitted to a university in Beijing with a score of over 700 on the college entrance examination, we lost contact. These are precious childhood...

  • Bernard 2023-05-10 12:38:53

    This kind of movie is to watch children's innocence. Aside from those unreal plots, it is still a good movie that people live in harmony with nature and...

  • Durward 2023-05-09 19:38:46

    I saw it once on CCTV6. It's always been fresh in my...

Extended Reading

Free Willy quotes

  • Wade: Whale's still not performing. We're getting deeper into this. And Rae keeps saying we have to expand that tank.

    Dial: Very nice. This is what I get for bringin' the animal in to boost business. Why don't we just move him into the Ritz Carlton? I can tack it onto the 5,000 they just dumped in his latest insurance premium.

    Wade: [chuckles] The whale's worth more dead than alive.

    Dial: It will cost at least 100,000 to expand that psychotic malcontent's playpen.

    Wade: Huh?

    Dial: Oh, God, I hate that whale.

  • Randolph: I saw what you did.

    Jesse: So.

    Randolph: So nothing. I'm sure Willy's grateful.