Forgotten Comments

  • Edgardo 2022-03-25 09:01:22

    It's okay, but nothing...

  • Natalia 2022-03-24 09:03:45

    Koreans really have a way to turn any type of film into a socialist family ethics tragedy in the end! No one is wrong! It's all society's fault! If you can't get four stars, it's probably because this pair of brothers and sisters are...

  • Magnus 2022-03-24 09:03:45

    The script is pretty good, in terms of Yue Yunpeng's cross talk, it's not a coincidence, it's not a coincidence, it's not a coincidence. . . . . The final soundtrack could be more emotionally tragic. . . In fact, I wonder why the male protagonist can't find a job because of his appearance and why he doesn't consider selling his hue. . . . . . . . . ....

  • Florence 2022-03-24 09:03:45

    The story is so sad that the director found out that it was a suspense rather than a horror film halfway through the...

  • Cassandra 2022-03-24 09:03:45

    Music 7 Picture 6 Director 6 Story 6 Performance 6 Impression 7 Average 6.2/10 Everyone is a pitiful person, why is it too urgent? T_T One wrong step, one step wrong. The two should have different life trajectories, but they became similar due to an accident, and finally created a strong tragic...

  • Neva 2022-03-24 09:03:45

    7.0/10 points. At first glance, Blu-ray. I didn't even expect this ending. The only thing that is not rigorous enough is the murder part. . . Dreaming Girl Ghost really startled me, I watched it in the middle of the night, and it just happened to be snowing outside. ....

  • Enid 2022-03-24 09:03:45

    7.0/10 points. At first glance, Blu-ray. I didn't even expect this ending. The only thing that is not rigorous enough is the murder part. . . Dreaming Girl Ghost really startled me, I watched it in the middle of the night, and it just happened to be snowing outside. ....

  • Garnet 2022-03-24 09:03:45

    The two families died very clean. . The story and filming are relatively general, nothing outstanding. Kim Moo-yeol plays a grown-up child, 25 years old seems too...

  • Emmie 2022-03-24 09:03:45

    A sad story? Why did the little boy finally jump off the building and should live...

  • Nina 2022-03-24 09:03:45

    A sad story? Why did the little boy finally jump off the building and should live...