Forgotten Comments

  • Lysanne 2022-03-28 09:01:13

    After watching it for about 20 minutes, you can basically guess the reversal routine. Finally, the source of the tragedy can be traced back to the impact of the 1997 financial turmoil on the people's livelihood in South Korea. This design is quite touching. Totally destroyed. This film is actually quite suitable for adaptation, especially the thrilling atmosphere in the first part, and the social issues in the latter part need to be...

  • Fred 2022-03-27 09:01:21

    It's rare to have done a more substantial work from beginning to end. The first half is suspenseful and the second half is tragedy. Although it is a little deliberate, this tragic story is full of sighs, especially when each character actually knows the truth, which highlights the memory....

  • Kirstin 2022-03-27 09:01:21

    The first hour was particularly new (?) The suspense was excellent and the rhythm was tight, but half of the biggest reversal was revealed, which made people feel procrastinated in the later stage. Personally, I think this kind of film should never be afraid of incomprehensible stories, and the floating subtitles that stay in "I rely on" for a few minutes may make people more impressive. But I saw that the director didn't seem to be interested in this, and the ending was a standard social...

  • Flo 2022-03-27 09:01:21

    The life I owe has been repaid, and the tears I owe have run...

  • Kimberly 2022-03-27 09:01:21

    The setting is interesting, but unfortunately the killing night in the third act was too silly, and the tragedy turned into a farce. (The unrecognizable face of the male protagonist is making me face blindness. The last scene of the second male lead is well...

  • Theresa 2022-03-27 09:01:21

    The first half of the movie is a standard horror movie mode. Everything progresses in a routine way. I thought it was a common horror movie. However, more than half of the plot gradually turned into suspense, and several reversals had a taste of natural reasoning. At the same time, Koreans were also added. The social events I like are the foreshadowing. The society and the character are well integrated. It is the type I like, and the rhythm is relatively tight. Now that the suspense films are...

  • Kacie 2022-03-27 09:01:21

    Han Ying looks pretty when she doesn't...

  • Amparo 2022-03-27 09:01:21

    The story is good, and it's ok, but a few key settings are not convincing...

  • Isac 2022-03-27 09:01:21

    Good-looking, reverse reverse. It would be even better if the first half were shot separately like ghost movies! It is the financial crisis that is lashing out at the suffering...

  • Dee 2022-03-27 09:01:21

    ? ? ? ! ! ! What is the...