Following Comments

  • Icie 2023-09-24 00:22:38

    Nolan's debut novel showed a strong ability to deal with the story. When the truth came out, he immediately used a line and the last shot to take me away from the story and focus on the characters, just like Nolan's " Like "Inception", while telling a complete story, Batman uses movie language to maximize the audience's recognition of the character. I think this technique is very...

  • Bobbie 2023-09-15 00:51:12

    Melancholy temperament + disordered narrative + smooth and coherent plot + unpolished "high IQ" movie, this is the appearance of the genius director Nolan, compared to the later "Inception" and "Deadly Magic" "Following" The plot is even smoother, and even many classic movies later imitated it, such as "Sunny Day" and "Empty House". A director's debut should be like this, let talent be like the river after the dyke...

  • Alexandro 2023-09-04 13:40:03

    Charming little story with lackluster camera work, and the editing trick sure gets old...

  • Garnet 2023-08-21 15:34:05

    The unlucky little thief named Cobb, the genius debut novel named Nolan. Ah hey, how much do you love non-linear...

  • Kenton 2023-07-30 04:09:34

    The debut work has such a charming and delicate...

  • Ashleigh 2023-07-23 16:26:01

    He kept throwing question marks at the audience and walked away with curiosity. From this point of view, Nolan can really be said to have learned from Hitchcock, and Nolan has studied the narrative skills very thoroughly. Use the details to divide the timeline, this idea is easy to implement and...

  • Lilliana 2023-06-28 10:41:46

    The scheming Nolan used such a debut novel to establish the consistent exquisite narrative, tense rhythm, and brain-burning game. Like a movie magician playing the audience in the palm of his hand. Those who follow do not know what to do about anti-following, and life is a huge puzzle, but Bill is getting deeper and deeper. Compared with other works that gave Nolan full marks, this film is too small and has little room for ambition, but a rising star of hope was born in black and...

  • Liliane 2023-06-24 14:36:41

    I don't know how to be praised as a god, to be honest, this one is okay, what memory fragments are simply nonsense and dazzling and boring! As for commercial works, just look at the fun at the time, and why are you so chasing and holding stinky...

  • Allen 2023-06-11 04:50:51

    Nolan's Principle: Make the plot a little more complicated, a little more complicated, um, a little more...

  • Krista 2023-06-08 08:30:32

    The short 70-minute film brings us a big conspiracy, and the conspiracy reveals the taste of multiple personalities. Nolan tells the story to the extreme. PS This film has established the narrative style of Memento, and it is also a powerful debut. Started Nolan's performance. How much PS Nolan likes the name Cobb, it is also used in...

Extended Reading

Following quotes

  • Bill: When I started to follow people, specific people, when I selected a person to follow, that's when the trouble started.

  • Bill: That's it, unless you have any questions.