First Blood Comments

  • Ambrose 2022-04-23 07:01:27

    Mahler, what kind of classic is this, and he killed it before he even got it. . History is so...

  • Van 2022-04-23 07:01:27

    They drew first blood. Nothing is over! Nothing. You just don't turn it off! It wasn't my war. Kill the cop, that motherf*****....

  • Kari 2022-03-24 09:01:24

    You are the king in the small town, and I am the king of the wild. "Revisit the classic action movies. Car chases, explosions, wild escapes and other commercial elements in the 1980s are intensive. Stallone is really a tough guy, and the "King of the Wild" is well-deserved .It should be the prototype of the characters of "Contra". But the film is not just a simple tough guy. The real meaning of the film is to complain about people like Rambo, the former Vietnam War hero, but now he can only go...

  • Hubert 2022-03-23 09:01:25

    The cooperation results of first-class producer and third-class screenwriter, third-class director, third-class photography and third-class editing. Stallone is lovable, especially Rocky. But this film is too stereotyped, with various elements and scenes that must appear, only the last dialogue is the theme of the Vietnam...

  • Americo 2022-03-23 09:01:25

    Movies of different eras cannot understand the blood in them. The inexplicable story development, the king of the forest is reminiscent of Thoreau no matter how you look at it, and the reflection and accusation of the Vietnam War in the last 5 minutes is still in place. The rest, I really don't think there's anything good about...

  • Serenity 2022-03-23 09:01:25

    The Power Train's "First Tear" is all too familiar to Dan Hill's It's A Long...

  • Robin 2022-03-23 09:01:25

    Poor Rambo just wanted to have a meal, and was forced to kill by some little cops. The so-called hero's end, there may not be a sequel to the fantasy Rambo's final way out that we will feel uneasy in our hearts. Rambo is actually the epitome of the veterans after the Vietnam War in the United States. The film also reflects the experience and treatment of the Vietnam soldiers more than once. How about the green hat? How about the Congressional Medal? What about WWII heroes? Back home to face...

  • Carmela 2022-03-23 09:01:25

    8.0/10 points. Rewatch, 4K restored Blu-ray. The second part, I watched the videotape on the company's closed-circuit television when I was a child, and it shocked me when I was young. At that time, I also watched Schwarzenegger's "Lone in the Dragon Pool" and "The Predator". The first time I re-watched it this time, I didn't have much of an impression. . . Haven't I seen it? Or is it too small to have a big scene so I forget it? . . . I saw the boss in "CSI: Miami", so young and delicate, with...

  • Dessie 2022-03-23 09:01:25

    Savage War...Stay dumb...weapons can't stand anymore...Is this considered a masterpiece at the time? Look at Stallone who was thin then... and Stallone who is now...

  • Emmitt 2022-03-23 09:01:25

    In fact, this series is all watched by my dad.... I personally have no admiration or special affection for Stallone....

Extended Reading

First Blood quotes

  • Deputy Sergeant Arthur Gault: If you don't fly this thing right, I swear to god I'm going to kill you.

  • Teasle: They found Rambo's body. As a matter of fact, it stole an army truck. Blew up a gas station the other side of town.

    Trautman: The kid is resiliant. Now why don't you forget what you're thinking and clear out while you can?

First Blood

Director: Ted Kotcheff

Language: English Release date: October 22, 1982

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