Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Comments

  • Nola 2021-10-20 19:02:57

    Tribute to Hunter S. Thompson! ! ! Johnny Depp and Terry Gilliam are co-produced. The other Lost In La Mancha can't be found no matter how to find it, but this one is enough to show the depth of the director's skill and the talent of the actors. The psychedelic dow of san francisco in the 70s made me dizzy under the lens of terry...

  • Desiree 2021-10-20 19:02:57

    As Yan Jun said, this movie is also internal, not popular culture. We can yearn for some mysterious experience, but not immersed in it and only observe the reactions of other people. For those who cannot walk into that world, it is not as beautiful as...

  • Abe 2021-10-20 19:02:57

    Too weird to live, too rare to die. Luxurious MV, acid popularization, self-entertainment, you only know when you step through the door, those surrealism, fauvism and psychedelic are so...

  • Carmine 2021-10-20 19:02:57

    The oblique world under the camera, a place that turns the American dream into a nightmare, a place where hippies seek freedom and cannot afford to, and what is left is the madness and LSD of the Beat generation... Drugs, rock music, democracy and freedom are There are always endless topics to discuss...Red Chevrolet and White Cadillac, all star in red, white and...

  • Trycia 2021-10-20 19:02:57

    The film is adapted from Hunter S Thompson's novel. What is more topical than this author's book is actually his life, and there is even a film dedicated to this writer (reporter). It's enough to watch the movie once. The process of watching it is really sad. I think I will never understand the actions in the movie if I haven't used...

  • Precious 2021-10-20 19:02:57

    It's so noisy and noisy, I can't remember where I am after reading it. It is simply a textbook on the effects of drugs, too precise. It is said that Hunter Thompson is very clear about the film adaptation process, and it is also good to have a personal relationship with Depp. So he played "Rum Diary". Uncle Bag under the eyes turned out to look like Xiao Li now! The supporting roles are all depp Xiao Li at the same...

Extended Reading

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas quotes

  • Raoul Duke: Look, there's two women fucking a polar bear!

    Dr. Gonzo: Don't tell me these things. Not now man.

  • Dr. Gonzo: Hello? Hi Lucy, God bless. Yeah it's me. What? I dont know, I taught that bastard a lesson he'll never forget. What? No, not dead. But he won't be bothering anybody for a while. Yeah, I left him out there. I stomped him. I pulled all his teeth out.

    Raoul Duke: [Narrating] I remember thinking 'Jesus, what a terrible thing to lay on someone with a head full of acid'.

    Dr. Gonzo: But we have a problem. That bastard cashed a bad cheque downstairs and gave you as a reference. They'll be looking for both of you. Yeah I know. You can't judge a book by it's cover... some people are just basically rotten. Well the last thing in the world you want to do is call this hotel again. They'll trace the call and put you straight behind bars. Yeah I'm moving to the tropicana right away... when I get a room I'll let you know which one it is... I gotta get off. They probably have this phone tapped baby... Yeah I know it's horrible but it's all over now.

    [stomps foot]

    Dr. Gonzo: Oh my God... there's someone at the door. There's someone at the door!

    [yelling and knocking things over]

    Dr. Gonzo: Ahh! Ahh! I'm innocent! It was Duke! It was Duke!

    [inaudible noises]

    Dr. Gonzo: Ahh! Ahh! Don't put that thing on me! Aaah! Aaah! Aaah! aaah... aah... ah...

    [hangs up]

    Dr. Gonzo: Well, that's the last we should be hearing from Lucy man. She's probably stuffing herself down the incinerator about now. You know what we need? We need some opium.

    Raoul Duke: [Narrating] I remember slumping on the bed. His performance had given me a bad jolt. For a moment I thought his mind had snapped, that he actually believed he was being attacked by invisible enemies. But the room was quiet again...