Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Comments

  • Alexa 2021-10-20 19:02:57

    In the 60s and 70s, the psychedelic world. Find the lost American dream in hallucinogens. The look of JD tells me that a man can't give up no matter how handsome he...

  • Iva 2021-10-20 19:02:57

    During this period of time, I have been chasing stars. I haven’t watched many movies. I watched this movie for a long time because of Kim Hanbin, who sucked your sister’s drugs and believed in drugs. He blatantly tattooed the male protagonist’s head in pursuit of drug culture, and the other 6 children could be caught. Let’s talk about the movie if you are miserable. The two of them acted really well. The effect of taking several drugs in popular science is really terrible. They are always awake...

  • Effie 2021-10-20 19:02:57

    It’s just that when you watch a movie, it’s not good in the same genre. Even after watching it, only emptiness and confusion are left. So why do you want to find sustenance in the movie? I don’t understand or don’t want to understand. I just feel sad. Why did you get...

  • Jasper 2021-10-20 19:02:57

    One of the most psychedelic movies, adapted from the autobiographical novel of the same name by the "Gang Zuo" news legend Hunter Thompson. The narrative is dazzling and fragmented. Images, extreme camera positions, oblique composition, monochrome filters, dazzling shades, double shadows, distortions, parody and collage) present the subjective hallucinations and ascension process of addicts. Johnny Depp, who is bald and walks in circle-legs, Del Toro, who is fat and irritable, and Maguire who...

  • Dwight 2021-10-20 19:02:57

    Depp+Convertible+Road+Hippie+LSD+70s+Las Vegas, excellent picture feeling and tribute to the 60s, as for the storyline or something more true to it, you will...

  • Norval 2021-10-20 19:02:57

    7.3. In this lively movie, there are Che Guevara with a big belly, a golden retriever with acne-faced Spider-Man, a hippie girl Mary, and a bald and ring-legged Captain Jack, but if you don’t combine the background of the times and the spirit of the original novel, it is ugly. Understand the film. The spirit of the 1960s and 1970s in the United States has gone forever, and such movies are definitely no...

  • Charlotte 2021-10-20 19:02:57

    The whole crew either drank too much or took drugs. Many of the soundtracks in "Pirate Radio" have also been...

  • Jasmin 2021-10-20 19:02:57

    What is the old driver? The old pilot is almost the same. I can see Toby Maguire, not Christina...

  • Marcella 2021-10-20 19:02:57

    "Every young man who has awakened from mainstream society is looking for himself. In addition to parades and travel, they also try to degenerate." The film critic said very well. Although the film was dizzy, it still felt good. I haven't tried it, how can I know what is poison and what is medicine? If you know that it is poisonous, if it is medicine, let's go to save sentient...

  • Madaline 2021-10-20 19:02:57

    This movie is really a stream of consciousness. A mess of neuroticism. But I have to say that the picture quality is my favorite type. I wonder what the two of them are doing, doing nothing to do with drugs all day long, living in a five-star hotel, driving a high-priced sports car, life is really comfortable, this is dream. In reality you have to lick your shit buddy. The movie is full of all kinds of lonely, frustrated, desperate people. Photojournalists represent lustful Americans, that pair...

Extended Reading

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas quotes

  • Raoul Duke: Look, there's two women fucking a polar bear!

    Dr. Gonzo: Don't tell me these things. Not now man.

  • Dr. Gonzo: Hello? Hi Lucy, God bless. Yeah it's me. What? I dont know, I taught that bastard a lesson he'll never forget. What? No, not dead. But he won't be bothering anybody for a while. Yeah, I left him out there. I stomped him. I pulled all his teeth out.

    Raoul Duke: [Narrating] I remember thinking 'Jesus, what a terrible thing to lay on someone with a head full of acid'.

    Dr. Gonzo: But we have a problem. That bastard cashed a bad cheque downstairs and gave you as a reference. They'll be looking for both of you. Yeah I know. You can't judge a book by it's cover... some people are just basically rotten. Well the last thing in the world you want to do is call this hotel again. They'll trace the call and put you straight behind bars. Yeah I'm moving to the tropicana right away... when I get a room I'll let you know which one it is... I gotta get off. They probably have this phone tapped baby... Yeah I know it's horrible but it's all over now.

    [stomps foot]

    Dr. Gonzo: Oh my God... there's someone at the door. There's someone at the door!

    [yelling and knocking things over]

    Dr. Gonzo: Ahh! Ahh! I'm innocent! It was Duke! It was Duke!

    [inaudible noises]

    Dr. Gonzo: Ahh! Ahh! Don't put that thing on me! Aaah! Aaah! Aaah! aaah... aah... ah...

    [hangs up]

    Dr. Gonzo: Well, that's the last we should be hearing from Lucy man. She's probably stuffing herself down the incinerator about now. You know what we need? We need some opium.

    Raoul Duke: [Narrating] I remember slumping on the bed. His performance had given me a bad jolt. For a moment I thought his mind had snapped, that he actually believed he was being attacked by invisible enemies. But the room was quiet again...