Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Comments

  • Rosemarie 2023-02-08 08:37:34

    The works that completely come with cannabis and LSD ingredients are even crazier than "Trainspotting"! The distorted and psychedelic image style is highly praised, clearly showing the spirit of the rebellious pioneer in the 1970s. The exaggerated and absurdity of the American Dream is quite Fellini's legacy. I really enjoy this kind of road movie of aimless self-seeking, and Johnny Depp has since established a madness. screen...

  • Jarvis 2023-02-06 19:38:02

    It’s a little bit like Nicholas Cage’s "shuttle between Yin and Yang", but it’s...

  • Dovie 2023-02-05 22:05:02

    Hunter S. Thompson's seminal psychedelic classic about his road trip across Western America. The word psychedelic is rarely used, but this one is really psychedelic. The fantasies after all kinds of drugs are so specific, all kinds of messy, fragmented memories, distorted...

  • Paris 2023-02-05 15:45:58

    My mother is too distorted~My dear Depp, my dear Terry, my dear me~~A film that can’t be said because I am in it, I don’t remember what happened and I don’t know who to play~~This morning Everything seems ridiculous, including this movie. The language is calm, in fact, the brain is no...

  • Manley 2023-02-03 21:37:43

    2008-07-20. Black Fantasy.

  • Kayleigh 2023-01-27 14:44:03

    The script comes from the book of the same name by American journalist Hunter Thompson in the hippie trend of the 1970s, and the author also personally ended his flight in 2005. In the confusion of the century, he witnessed and interpreted the absurdity of the world, society, politics and entertainment culture of this era with his own eyes. In fact, Trem did not treat the film as a visual effects exhibition, which is fundamentally different from the other flyer, enter the void, that I watched...

  • Jevon 2023-01-05 15:32:12

    Old rules, there is a depp plus a...

  • Darian 2022-12-31 10:22:45

    Unreliable and...

  • Crawford 2022-12-13 00:53:42

    Reluctantly give Depp four stars, the hitchhiking bald long-haired man is Tobey Maguire. . Oops....

  • Lois 2022-12-12 17:54:34

    I saw it N years ago, it turned out to be played by JD!...

Extended Reading

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas quotes

  • Raoul Duke: Look, there's two women fucking a polar bear!

    Dr. Gonzo: Don't tell me these things. Not now man.

  • Dr. Gonzo: Hello? Hi Lucy, God bless. Yeah it's me. What? I dont know, I taught that bastard a lesson he'll never forget. What? No, not dead. But he won't be bothering anybody for a while. Yeah, I left him out there. I stomped him. I pulled all his teeth out.

    Raoul Duke: [Narrating] I remember thinking 'Jesus, what a terrible thing to lay on someone with a head full of acid'.

    Dr. Gonzo: But we have a problem. That bastard cashed a bad cheque downstairs and gave you as a reference. They'll be looking for both of you. Yeah I know. You can't judge a book by it's cover... some people are just basically rotten. Well the last thing in the world you want to do is call this hotel again. They'll trace the call and put you straight behind bars. Yeah I'm moving to the tropicana right away... when I get a room I'll let you know which one it is... I gotta get off. They probably have this phone tapped baby... Yeah I know it's horrible but it's all over now.

    [stomps foot]

    Dr. Gonzo: Oh my God... there's someone at the door. There's someone at the door!

    [yelling and knocking things over]

    Dr. Gonzo: Ahh! Ahh! I'm innocent! It was Duke! It was Duke!

    [inaudible noises]

    Dr. Gonzo: Ahh! Ahh! Don't put that thing on me! Aaah! Aaah! Aaah! aaah... aah... ah...

    [hangs up]

    Dr. Gonzo: Well, that's the last we should be hearing from Lucy man. She's probably stuffing herself down the incinerator about now. You know what we need? We need some opium.

    Raoul Duke: [Narrating] I remember slumping on the bed. His performance had given me a bad jolt. For a moment I thought his mind had snapped, that he actually believed he was being attacked by invisible enemies. But the room was quiet again...