Fathers & Daughters Comments

  • Colton 2022-01-15 08:02:31

    With a two-line narrative, Russell Crowe easily manages the role of a fatherly father, but Amanda does not shine as a heroine. Longing for love and fear of losing love, the insecurity stems from the experience of childhood. As a social worker, she should help warm others, but in fact, it is herself who should be warmed the most. What we can do is to cherish every day our parents spend with us, because life is impermanent. ps Why can't I like it [Knock on the door when I am happy] This...

  • Gennaro 2022-01-15 08:02:31

    A good hand played a bad game. With a solid enough cast, the little girl and Russell played a very good, supportive story. However, the cross-editing skills are not enough, so the plot advancement is very fragmented, and the two characters of Elizabeth and William cannot be more face-to-face. What I don't understand is the conversation between Elizabeth and Katie after the heroine walked home alone 25 years later. Close to you rarely hit me, after all, my father used to put...