F for Fake Comments

  • Oma 2023-04-02 21:34:20

    "I, like everyone else, can paint Picasso's fakes," Picasso...

  • Arne 2023-04-02 11:08:16

    Nope, it's even more difficult to understand than the eight and a half books, I gave...

  • Assunta 2023-03-17 00:15:07

    Documentaries are hard to grade and I really don't get...

  • Dustin 2023-03-12 04:51:22

    The dazzling editing and the magician narration that confuses the identity, the fakes in the story and the false records are the deception and blind obedience of the art in pursuit of fame and fortune. The film echoes Orson Welles' personal works and emotions, and it also puts forward an argument for The deconstruction of "documentary" proves that genre films do not constrain creation, and that a complete film is built on the multiple shooting skills of Citizen Kane so...

  • Amina 2023-03-11 00:38:39

    Orson Welles is a god. The first work made Citizen Kane, and the last work was such a documentary. While exploring art and truth, it also achieves dramatization and stylization of poetic playfulness, narcissism, and reflection. He has everything you...

  • Hans 2023-03-06 07:54:01

    Eassy film model, complex structure, all rely on the director's various flashes of inspiration. As a digression, Orson Welles is the director of writing and writing, with a model face, a Virgo will win an Oscar, a "documentary" will create a new form, and in her later years, she has a model-shaped high-IQ...

  • Rylee 2023-02-19 19:29:48

    Although I don't know what I'm talking about (meaning), it feels really handsome and beautiful (feeling), and it may be the best viewing experience of this...

  • Vella 2023-02-07 15:54:10

    aw's semi-documentary, true and false stories, interspersed story...

  • Isai 2023-02-06 18:53:04

    It seems to return to the beginning of film history, the rediscovery and editing of material, the "dialectical form of film" derived from Eisenstein's rational montage. Alain Badiou: "Film can show metaphysics and metaphysics disintegration. In a movement unique to cinema, showing both a metaphysical myth and its demise. He (Orson Welles) is both a A great montage director, but also a great long-take director. Because he is both the one who presents the myth and the one who destroys the myth...

  • Rupert 2023-02-05 18:18:28

    It's like pointing directly at Francois Reichenbach's nose and saying you're wasting such good material. Lao Tzu will show you a real movie. Interspersed with their own stories. Might be enlightened. By the way, it discusses the issue of life and death. Then it really became his...

Extended Reading

F for Fake quotes

  • Orson Welles: I did promise that for one hour, I'd tell you only the truth. That hour, ladies and gentlemen, is over. For the past seventeen minutes, I've been lying my head off.

  • Orson Welles: Paris was suffering from August. This happens every year. It shuts down, closes up, and this is the time when an invader could take the country by telephone... if he could get somebody to answer it.

F for Fake

Director: Orson Welles, Oja Kodar, François Reichenbach

Language: English,French,Spanish Release date: March 12, 1975