Bethany 2022-04-24 07:01:16
The level of the director is too poor, and the children are always dragging their feet out of time... The reversal is a little unexpected, and the overall quality is not...
Willis 2022-04-23 07:03:11
Is this half a...
Kelsie 2022-04-23 07:03:11
Why is this movie on my wanna watch list, because of Liz...
Stanford 2022-04-23 07:03:11
1 suspense: dream; 1 reversal: this person is not human; 1 narrative trick: the beginning has been told from a human perspective. Other than that, nothing to...
Isobel 2022-04-23 07:03:11
I especially like the part where the male protagonist provides his energy for the female protagonist before she dies. Although the male protagonist didn't know that he and the female protagonist were artificial intelligence before, I believe that even if he and the female protagonist are real human beings, the male protagonist will The heroine gives her...
Ali 2022-04-23 07:03:11
The layout of the opening chapter is very large, but it makes it a bit anticlimactic after the truth is revealed. I thought there would be a sequel, but there were no easter eggs. It's a little dystopian, and it's terrifying. It's just that after knowing the truth, I found that the appearance of human beings was too deliberate. The female protagonist is still good, and the male protagonist is familiar with all kinds of faces. That's it, anyway, the Spring Festival stalls are coming, and there...
Adelbert 2022-04-23 07:03:11
Works Below the Level Illustrate the Sad Future of...
General 2022-04-23 07:03:11
The way of shooting horror movies is quite interesting to shoot sci-fi, and the breathing biological bubble armor adds a little bit of wonderful...
Deron 2022-04-23 07:03:11
2.5 stars can't be...
Roxane 2022-04-23 07:03:11
Although I know what you're trying to express is a philosophical question. However, I still want to raise the bar, the meaning created by the little girl? Although this group of androids have their memories changed, they haven't grown up in 50 years. What do you usually eat? Shit? Do you doubt that you are...
Extinction Comments
Kailyn 2021-12-27 08:01:23
Extinction Short Comment
There will be big problems if you come first and second
Except for those special types that can create human appearance, others are good for machines
Freddy 2021-12-27 08:01:23
Something different
Although there are indeed some fragments that make the viewing experience extremely poor, these are the few movies that reflect the relationship between AI and humans in recent years. Personally, the choice of angle is great.
1. In an hour and a half, there is no shortage of surprising reversals....
[first lines]
Peter: [narrating] Our world never stops moving. Changing. Evolving. Every day we go about our routines - work, home, family - but who are we? Who am I? You think you know your beautiful wife, your adorable kids, and who you work for. But what if you don't? And the truth, once you knew it, would change everything.
[the attack begins, then he awakes]
Alice: You have a nightmare?
[last lines]
Peter: [narrating] Our world keeps moving. Changing. Evolving. And so do we. I know who I am now. And I know my enemy. We're not that different. Maybe, if others can see that, we'll have a future after all.