eXistenZ Comments

  • Alexys 2022-03-27 09:01:06

    The beats are barely rhythmic, and there's almost no soundtrack! I am very dissatisfied with this! The story is good, love the feel of the flesh slime metal. Gradually I finished the film imitated by Inception and found that Doomsday Theory is really a big environment that stimulates people's...

  • Lila 2022-03-27 09:01:06

    Cronenberg is one of the most controversial directors in the world, at least I personally admire his work. Under normal circumstances, a movie fan with independent thinking ability will always fall into a situation of confusion and conclusion after watching Cronenberg's works. This work is personally considered one of Cronenberg's representative works and is very worth watching. Just a reminder, this movie was shot in 1999, so don't judge it too much with current...

  • Willa 2022-03-27 09:01:06

    so many connections to Videodrome, the body horror part is really cool, Cronenberg you are a weird...

  • Evelyn 2022-03-26 09:01:06

    Why does it feel like this director is always talking to himself? The whole movie is like a frigid, but the details of the Chinese restaurant are surprisingly...

  • Lee 2022-03-26 09:01:06

    I think that two-headed four-legged snake should taste like a bullfrog or a turtle. . . . . The plot style is pretty good, but the main character is too bad. . Maybe it's too good... In short, the truth is that he is in a sleepwalking state and can't play at all. I don't know if children with severe Internet addiction are like this. . . . . I watched it repeatedly several times, and I laughed miserably (I don’t know if there are any funny...

  • Vince 2022-03-26 09:01:06

    is full of CULT. . In other words, I really don't like the feeling of not being able to distinguish between reality and fantasy. The protagonist is handsome....

  • Horace 2022-03-26 09:01:06

    It is full of heavy taste, but many details in the plot are also very bad. After watching too many suspense films, I have no feeling for the ending, and there is no climax in the audience. After watching this movie, I realized how handsome Jude Law is! !...

  • Demarco 2022-03-26 09:01:06

    At the beginning of the opening, people have high expectations, but the sense of turning of the game in the game is not shaken, and there is absolutely no gorgeous coolness like Inception; the picture is gloomy, which brings sensory discomfort; the heroine is always Looking at people sideways, it looks very flat! I really want to play two stars, but Jude Law's hairline still has three...

  • Gage 2022-03-26 09:01:06

    The structure of "Mirror in Mirror" is really the best playground for directors and screenwriters. It's true and false when it's false. People who have been addicted to video games understand it. But the motive of the so-called "harm to human beings from video games" is not clearly explained. The chrysanthemum-shaped socket, the umbilical cord-shaped connection, the placenta-shaped drive... The bad taste seems to be a bit over (or do not want to pay attention to the relationship at the end of...

  • Uriah 2022-03-26 09:01:06

    The perfect combination of imagination and bad taste, Cronenberg is amazing! Choose a medium (this film is a game), confuse virtual and reality, multiple virtual worlds in a series, such a story structure is mysterious, brain-burning, full of magic, full of vitality. Until now, such films still show...

Extended Reading

eXistenZ quotes

  • Ted: It was no accident you and I ended up on the run together.

    Allegra: Not an accident?

    Ted: No.

    Allegra: That's why you never had a bio-port. You were one of them.

    Ted: I still am one of them.

    Allegra: But you have a bio-port now.

    Ted: I made the bio-port sacrifice to get close to you.

    Allegra: Why would you want to do that?

    Ted: To understand what I have to kill.

    Allegra: Then understand this. Understand that I knew you were my real assassin when you pointed that gun at me in the Chinese restaurant. And understand that you're dead. Death to the demon Ted Pikul! Have I won? Have I won the game? Have I won?

  • Yevgeny Nourish: Trying to remember who you are?