eXistenZ Comments

  • Buster 2022-04-21 09:02:10

    Pudong Disc Shop Evil Flower II - After 20 minutes, I started to get stuck, exhausted all playback facilities, and finally used the computer CD-ROM to see an hour-long disc and I was...

  • Dimitri 2022-04-21 09:02:10

    David's morbidity is all organic. Phenomenon while watching the film: When I see an actor in this film, I will always meet her again in another recently watched film, if it is not intentional. This time it's Jennifer Jason Leigh. It's old in this movie, and I'm completely naked in [Cold...

  • Michale 2022-04-21 09:02:10

    You can tell the difference between a cold sweat and an illusion when you watch this movie. Looking at it now, you may feel that the special effects are not enough, but the various metaphors in between are still worth reading...

  • Ruben 2022-04-21 09:02:10

    Good idea, and our handsome JUDE, but. . . I can't stand seeing more than half of it. I don't think I'll ever want to see the internal organs again in my life. . . Uncle Hannibal is about to boil. ....

  • Federico 2022-04-21 09:02:10

    3.5 Audio-visual coolness and bad taste are full. The strong setting of the double text is amazing at the end, and the paradox of interpretation lies in the fact that story A is given too little meaning to judge whether it exists or not, while the rich nature of the text of story B requires the existence of story A as a premise....

  • Russ 2022-04-21 09:02:10

    Deformed animals can be used as drives, skeletons can also be split and reassembled into guns, biological drives, placental chrysanthemum-like equipment, very, very cool, it is the plot of nesting dolls, it seems a little less novel...

  • Brandy 2022-04-21 09:02:10

    People in Guangdong are very lucky to be able to see these excellent movies on Pearl TV and International TV early...

  • Mortimer 2022-04-21 09:02:10

    6.5/10 Although one of the themes of the movie is the interlacing of games and reality, this cannot be the reason why the whole film is slightly out of...

  • Athena 2022-04-21 09:02:10

    it just got weirder and weirder...is it a game?or is it a movie?am i still in it?...and... jude law is so.. smokey.....

  • Camryn 2022-04-20 09:01:42

    The umbilical cord, the breast driver, the chrysanthemum planting hole, the greasy Chinese restaurant; the old man Zhuang Zhou dreamed the butterfly, the two-headed lizard made the soup, after not playing games for many years, goosebumps all over the...

Extended Reading

eXistenZ quotes

  • Ted: It was no accident you and I ended up on the run together.

    Allegra: Not an accident?

    Ted: No.

    Allegra: That's why you never had a bio-port. You were one of them.

    Ted: I still am one of them.

    Allegra: But you have a bio-port now.

    Ted: I made the bio-port sacrifice to get close to you.

    Allegra: Why would you want to do that?

    Ted: To understand what I have to kill.

    Allegra: Then understand this. Understand that I knew you were my real assassin when you pointed that gun at me in the Chinese restaurant. And understand that you're dead. Death to the demon Ted Pikul! Have I won? Have I won the game? Have I won?

  • Yevgeny Nourish: Trying to remember who you are?