eXistenZ Comments

  • Arden 2022-04-23 07:02:10

    It's disgusting, but it's a good idea~~Jude...

  • Katelyn 2022-04-23 07:02:10

    Look very high! David Cronenberg is still so...

  • Dock 2022-04-23 07:02:10

    Another exploration of the alienation of the human body by Clemberg, when people become "gamers", reality and virtuality become two sides of the battle. The whole film is boring and refreshing, with rough and charming...

  • Clifford 2022-04-23 07:02:10

    The sci-fi film made in 1999 is quite thoughtful. Uncle LAW's nasolabial lines are still not...

  • Brenda 2022-04-23 07:02:10

    After watching this film, I realized that teeth can also be weapons! This weapon is used in two places! That game is really called a sensory game. The nervous system of the game is made of living organisms. People who watch it are a bit neurotic! I don't know what to say, it feels like a story made by anti-game people, saying that everything in the game can become a reality, kill whoever you want, but you feel that you are not free, the reason is that the game is originally A fixed...

  • Afton 2022-04-23 07:02:10

    Imagination is top-notch, there are such things as bone guns, or brain-connected...

  • Amy 2022-04-23 07:02:10

    This is also the so-called "rule-breaking" masterpiece that the screenwriter and director himself played. Those cute little things of Cronenberg popped up again. The discussion between virtual and reality is not a real proposition. Reality and fantasy are only borrowed from extreme revolutions. An excuse, anti-monopoly and anti-capitalism are the real propositions, and it is completely unimportant for players to complete the process in reality or in virtual in the final...

  • Hermann 2022-04-23 07:02:10

    Inception + Ring Labyrinth. I love this kind of philosophical film. But Cronenberg's cult made me want to vomit and almost fainted and fell on the subway. Game Designer: God Creator; Playing Game / Purpose of Life: Discovery only in the process of playing; Drive the image of Chiguoguo's sexual...

  • Chesley 2022-04-23 07:02:10

    Dirty and dirty, plus beautiful men and beauties, Gronenberg, this strange old man, can find money every time to satisfy his bad tastes is also quite amazing =...

  • Hailee 2022-04-22 07:01:30

    it's not a well known movie, but it certainly is good at what it was aiming at...a terrific mind game! and, of cuz, Jude Law is...

Extended Reading

eXistenZ quotes

  • Ted: It was no accident you and I ended up on the run together.

    Allegra: Not an accident?

    Ted: No.

    Allegra: That's why you never had a bio-port. You were one of them.

    Ted: I still am one of them.

    Allegra: But you have a bio-port now.

    Ted: I made the bio-port sacrifice to get close to you.

    Allegra: Why would you want to do that?

    Ted: To understand what I have to kill.

    Allegra: Then understand this. Understand that I knew you were my real assassin when you pointed that gun at me in the Chinese restaurant. And understand that you're dead. Death to the demon Ted Pikul! Have I won? Have I won the game? Have I won?

  • Yevgeny Nourish: Trying to remember who you are?