Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance Comments

  • Serenity 2022-09-02 22:38:55

    Lady Li! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Give Ayanami back to me! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !...

  • Bo 2022-06-22 21:21:40

    "Give me back Lingbo! I don't care about saving the world, I don't care about myself, I just want to save you, Lingbo!" After all, Asuka's slap didn't hit...

  • Elias 2022-06-22 20:40:20

    It is impossible to copy the old EVA, and the new theatrical version has indeed made a good move... Thank you, Mr. Anno. If you're on stage at the end of the curtain, I'll give you a hearty round of applause and twenty-six red tomatoes - at this moment we're all guilt-ridden boys after...

  • Amely 2022-06-22 20:22:46

    The apostles are upgraded, the characters are promoted to immortals, and Ayanami No.2 is not dead. The completion plan is...

  • Durward 2022-06-22 16:49:01

    There is nothing to say on the technical level, perfect, jump! Honda male! When Dong Er ate the popsicle that didn't win the lottery and said "I didn't win", Makiba was stunned by the other side of the telephone pole not far away. The old and new drivers are intertwined. Who wins the prize, and what is the prize brought by the four-part series? We can only find out when the identity of Makiba is answered. But will there be such a day? We are more difficult than the dark field waiting for...

  • Keyshawn 2022-06-22 16:12:54

    The first machine has become the Porsche of the second generation of Quan who pursues the iceberg girl. It is easy to move, and Xiaozhi sacrifices himself to save... It is mixed with various awesome special effects, soft porn... Supplemented by glasses girl, Ling Bo's breast shake... Shrinking the breasts of the former breast-shaking girl Asuka... In order to hold up the glasses girl, I really made a lot of...

Extended Reading

Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance quotes

  • Ryoji Kaji: Say, is Colonel Katsuragi around here?

    Shinji Ikari: Huh?

    Ryoji Kaji: I'm an old friend of hers. I bet we could swap stories about her snoring keeping us up an night. Right, Shinji?

  • Ryoji Kaji: [Shows up behind Ritsuko] You lost a little weight, huh, Ritsu?

    Ritsuko Akagi: Nice try, but I gained more than I'd like to admit.

    Ryoji Kaji: Maybe you're just wearing too many clothes.

    Ritsuko Akagi: I'd show you, but this room's being monitored.

    Ryoji Kaji: Was monitored. I replaced the main feed with a loop.

    Ritsuko Akagi: Thoroughly prepared as always, huh?

    Ryoji Kaji: Hey, when I play, I play to win.

    Ritsuko Akagi: But you've lost.

    [an angry Misato watches from the window]

    Ritsuko Akagi: You should've covered the windows too.