Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance Comments

  • Wilfrid 2023-09-26 09:46:33

    I made it up again, and I felt that it changed from "my Ayanami can't be this cute" to "sometimes breaking the three-nothing setting is really cute." From breaking to q, I feel that Asuka's character setting is getting better and better, reflecting the growth of ordinary human beings, but Shinji in q is still in the second grade, and Ayanami changed his vest and returned to Sanwu to continue the budding journey of human...

  • Gracie 2023-09-25 12:48:49

    Looking at this film with only a few impressions left, Asuka came to an end too soon, right? It's going too fast, isn't it? The cold murderous aura came too fast, didn't it? The silence before the war was too fierce, right? Glasses appeared too suddenly, right? Fortunately, I only watched this film with a little impression, but fortunately, it is still coherent enough and emotional...

  • Destini 2023-09-22 01:40:18

    TM is a complete cup!!!!!!!! But I can't bear to give less than 4 stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TM also gave me 0 waves Return me to...

  • Dell 2023-09-19 12:33:25

    After all, Asuka was sacrificed by Ikari Yuandu, which is in line with the real society: people who are promoted by strength but have no backers, if there is a crisis in a big company, they will be the first to be sacrificed. Ikari Shinji was dejected and willful because of Asuka; he was reinvigorated by Ayanami Zero, as evidenced by this, of course, the male protagonist loves the latter, and no love can make a man comeback stronger! EVA is really inseparable from fatalism (Ayanami Zero is an...

  • Oda 2023-09-01 11:35:25

    EVA's new theatrical version of "Preface" and "Broken" has become a love story, isn't it good, ten thousand kinds of profound connotations are not as touching as a second, Utada's ending song is titled , EVA is...

  • Hertha 2023-07-25 18:08:16

    Anno Hideaki wants to bring this OVA to the emotion of "Does mom love me again???" The rhythm and texture are messed up. And those contrived soundtracks. The most unbearable thing was actually killing...

  • Derick 2023-07-15 20:16:50

    In fact, the new theatrical version is vulgar than the old one, but the ending of this one really hit me. I now understand that the reason why there are two waves of people tearing up CP is actually different views on love. "It doesn't matter if I disappear, there will be a replacement anyway." "No, Rei Ayanami is unique." I think this is...

  • Khalil 2023-07-14 12:38:06

    The effect of the theatrical version is too cool, but it is a bit tragic. I remembered the mood of watching EVA in middle school. It felt great, but people who watched it were too quiet to be sleepy. If the future world really becomes such a steel-type cold, life will be so boring, I hope such a future era will never come. Life is still flesh-and-blood, vivid, and full of humanity! In addition, I admire Little Japan's imagination and painting skills, it's...

  • Daphney 2023-07-08 19:39:05

    I always think that what Ikarigendo said to Shinji: Be mature, just like what Anno in the past told Anno in the present, and he did it with drastic innovation. In the old version of the story, cowardice, indifference, fanaticism, pain, everything is so extreme that it is hopeless, cruel and cruel. And now, because of an unfinished dinner party, a slap that didn't swipe down, and an unimaginable rescue, the walls of the broken heart were stitched back like time. When everyone was scolding...

  • Maud 2023-07-05 22:51:36

    Big changes. I have never understood why so many people regard Ling Boli as their goddess, and they liked Asuka when I was in elementary school. I want to protest! Every time the No. 2 machine is dismembered, how come Asuka's upper circumference has been reduced so much this time? ! In this way, even if you have to kill it, you will not feel it! Humph. QWhen will the resources be released?...

Extended Reading

Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance quotes

  • Ryoji Kaji: Say, is Colonel Katsuragi around here?

    Shinji Ikari: Huh?

    Ryoji Kaji: I'm an old friend of hers. I bet we could swap stories about her snoring keeping us up an night. Right, Shinji?

  • Ryoji Kaji: [Shows up behind Ritsuko] You lost a little weight, huh, Ritsu?

    Ritsuko Akagi: Nice try, but I gained more than I'd like to admit.

    Ryoji Kaji: Maybe you're just wearing too many clothes.

    Ritsuko Akagi: I'd show you, but this room's being monitored.

    Ryoji Kaji: Was monitored. I replaced the main feed with a loop.

    Ritsuko Akagi: Thoroughly prepared as always, huh?

    Ryoji Kaji: Hey, when I play, I play to win.

    Ritsuko Akagi: But you've lost.

    [an angry Misato watches from the window]

    Ritsuko Akagi: You should've covered the windows too.