Escape from New York Comments

  • Austin 2022-03-25 09:01:07

    Apocalyptic New York, electronic music. The setting has inspired a lot of sci-fi and action films, as well as video games, but the plot is really not very attractive to the current...

  • Loyal 2022-03-25 09:01:07

    The motion design and special effects are a bit underwhelming right now, but John Carpenter's soundtrack and wasteland style are...

  • Theodora 2022-03-25 09:01:07

    I can't remember what year it was in the lower grades of elementary school. My father brought this videotape. At the same time, I also watched a horror movie where a person turns into a living dead man, and a horror movie where bugs burrow out of a person's body. Unfortunately, I was too young at that time, and I forgot the plot after watching it. I only remember the taxi that exploded on both sides and the car that the Duke drove at the end. It's been so many years, I don't know the title of...

  • Hope 2022-03-25 09:01:07

    Now take a look at the cult classics, the dark futurism of the 80s with electronic music made by the director himself, and the chilling coincidence of a plane crashing into a high-rise in New...

  • Bethany 2022-03-24 09:01:37

    New York 1997 se regarde comme un western dystopique au décor proche futur à la croisée entre punk et post-apocalypse. De son physique à ses gestes en passant par ses paroles, tous teintés hard boiled , Carpenter hisse l'image de Snake au range du panthéon des antihéros au sein d'un registre stylisé de la série B assumée. Cette réactualisation pessimiste du mythe américain fondateur se révèle plus un débâcle d'une civilisation piégée par sa propre expansion. Le culte reste...

  • Alvena 2022-03-24 09:01:37

    New York 1997 se regarde comme un western dystopique au décor proche futur à la croisée entre punk et post-apocalypse. De son physique à ses gestes en passant par ses paroles, tous teintés hard boiled , Carpenter hisse l'image de Snake au range du panthéon des antihéros au sein d'un registre stylisé de la série B assumée. Cette réactualisation pessimiste du mythe américain fondateur se révèle plus un débâcle d'une civilisation piégée par sa propre expansion. Le culte reste...

  • Serenity 2022-03-23 09:01:40

    7.3 B-level film production, blockbuster scheduling, and the setting of the dark future are very impressive. Kurt Russell is simply "a dick and a dick", and there are the bad and hds as a...

  • Corrine 2022-03-22 09:01:35

    Lots of gripping sequences, and another gritty female character. It's a pity that the movie was too rushed at the end. The idea, the atmosphere, the story are all great. I feel that Metal Gear Solid is likely to be inspired by...

  • Dominic 2022-03-21 09:01:41

    Too arrogant. The audio-visual language is completely blockbuster, and the B-level is just investment, not necessarily shoddy or bloody horror. Carpenter harbors deep malice towards New York. The president apparently insinuated Gerald...

  • Jed 2022-03-21 09:01:41

    It turned out to be such a profound style, either without bgm or the occasional theme music or power station...

Extended Reading

Escape from New York quotes

  • Bob Hauk: [reading Plissken's file] S.D. Plissken... American, Lieutenant: Special Forces Unit "Black Light". Two Purple Hearts, Leningrad and Siberia. Youngest man to be decorated by the President. Then you robbed the Federal Reserve Depository... life sentence, New York maximum security penitentary. I'm about to kick your ass out of *the world*, war hero...

    Snake Plissken: [calmly strikes a match against Hauk's desk to light his cigarette and in a bored tone of voice] Who're you?

    Bob Hauk: Hauk, Police Commissioner.

    Snake Plissken: Bob Hauk...

    Bob Hauk: Special Forces Unit "Texas Thunder"... we heard of you too, Plissken.

  • Romero: You touch me... he dies. If you're not in the air in thirty seconds... he dies. You come back in... he dies.

    Romero: [Romero takes a package out of his shirt and unwraps it to reveal the President's middle finger, complete with ring] Twenty seconds.

    Hauk: I'm ready to talk.

    Romero: Nineteen. Eighteen.

    Hauk: What do you want?

    Romero: Seventeen. Sixteen.

    Hauk: [to his soldiers] Let's go. Let's go!