Escape from New York Comments

  • Neva 2022-03-26 09:01:04

    With such a small cost, the special effects naturally cannot be too demanding. It's good to be able to create such a dark, evil city. Carpenter's own score, which fits the film's eerie tone, should be among the best of his score. In addition, considering the futuristic nature of the film, Ernest Borgnine's old-school acting style is a bit awkward compared to other actors' performances, which is the only weak link in the film's...

  • Nicklaus 2022-03-26 09:01:04

    The plot is not compact, and the atmosphere is far from the tension in "Blood Splatter No. 13 Police...

  • Elda 2022-03-26 09:01:04

    I don't know why so many people like it. ....

  • Johnnie 2022-03-26 09:01:04

    The action movies of the 1980s are really hard to...

  • Ervin 2022-03-25 09:01:07

    The prototype of the protagonist of Metal Gear Solid, the legendary masterpiece of John Carpenter's B-level film, with strong camera language and rich picture texture, is a batch of his own lack of original soundtrack, and the action scenes are also very confusing. But it's not bad to shoot at such a low cost. It is worth seeing the setting of New York as a wasteland...

  • Evans 2022-03-25 09:01:07

    It's still the punk temperament that Carpenter can't hide. It's so boring that you have enough time to find the point of...

  • Ruthe 2022-03-25 09:01:07

    The setting of Super Fly (where does the snake's tattoo tail lead to?) is a very slow-paced part of Carpenter, and the objectification of women is quite...

  • Ola 2022-03-25 09:01:07

    Carpenter's testosterone excess, the production is full of B-level feeling, the design scene and scheduling are overwhelming, the plot is still chaotic, angry and empty, and the author's character is the point of...

  • Wayne 2022-03-25 09:01:07

    Carpenter GJ!! The character setting, the fighting action are as ecstasy as always, and the plot development is as inexplicable as always.... It is still the inspiration for the image of Solid Snake.... Once again, I am confused whether to give one star or five...

  • Rubye 2022-03-25 09:01:07

    Kurt Russell is great for this type of movie. U.S. crime rate exploded, the government built a 15-meter wall and turned Manhattan into a prison...

Extended Reading

Escape from New York quotes

  • Bob Hauk: [reading Plissken's file] S.D. Plissken... American, Lieutenant: Special Forces Unit "Black Light". Two Purple Hearts, Leningrad and Siberia. Youngest man to be decorated by the President. Then you robbed the Federal Reserve Depository... life sentence, New York maximum security penitentary. I'm about to kick your ass out of *the world*, war hero...

    Snake Plissken: [calmly strikes a match against Hauk's desk to light his cigarette and in a bored tone of voice] Who're you?

    Bob Hauk: Hauk, Police Commissioner.

    Snake Plissken: Bob Hauk...

    Bob Hauk: Special Forces Unit "Texas Thunder"... we heard of you too, Plissken.

  • Romero: You touch me... he dies. If you're not in the air in thirty seconds... he dies. You come back in... he dies.

    Romero: [Romero takes a package out of his shirt and unwraps it to reveal the President's middle finger, complete with ring] Twenty seconds.

    Hauk: I'm ready to talk.

    Romero: Nineteen. Eighteen.

    Hauk: What do you want?

    Romero: Seventeen. Sixteen.

    Hauk: [to his soldiers] Let's go. Let's go!