Escape from New York Comments

  • Cortez 2022-04-22 07:01:09

    memories of...

  • Reyes 2022-04-21 09:01:46

    Did bin Laden watch the movie before planning 9/11? PS: The setting of the movie is very cool, it is enough for a B-level movie, just like a side-scrolling arcade game, but the rhythm is too...

  • Wyatt 2022-04-21 09:01:46

    New York's underground dark world, the arena is...

  • Stefan 2022-04-21 09:01:46

    [3.5/5.0] John Carpenter's soundtrack is super nice. The fighting part can be cut out, the villains played by Isaac Hayes and Harry Dean Stanton are too...

  • Keyon 2022-04-21 09:01:46

    The prototype of the protagonist of Hideo Kojima's Metal Gear, to be honest, half of the plot emmmmm has been read. It is probably because of limited funds to prevent it from being worn, or to add a mysterious dark atmosphere....

  • Mireya 2022-04-21 09:01:46

    The setting is as good as Westworld, but unfortunately it's so...

  • Madelyn 2022-04-21 09:01:46

    Someone has Snake's tattoo on his leg, I'm not good at it, right? WIth...

  • Eugenia 2022-04-21 09:01:46

    7. How to use the miniature model to shoot an interesting night sky flight, the original texture of "agricultural industry", although it has nothing to do with Carpenter's earlier concept of fear, but by the way, let's make fun of the government's hypocrisy and multi-facetedness. very pioneering...

  • Dandre 2022-04-21 09:01:46

    Mad Max-esque costumed wasteland dystopian aesthetics are amazing in an urban environment, and Carpenter's mastery of atmosphere and rhythm is...

  • Laurianne 2022-04-21 09:01:46

    The script is empty, and it's undignified for Prince to be threatened with life and helpless to carry out his...

Extended Reading

Escape from New York quotes

  • Bob Hauk: [reading Plissken's file] S.D. Plissken... American, Lieutenant: Special Forces Unit "Black Light". Two Purple Hearts, Leningrad and Siberia. Youngest man to be decorated by the President. Then you robbed the Federal Reserve Depository... life sentence, New York maximum security penitentary. I'm about to kick your ass out of *the world*, war hero...

    Snake Plissken: [calmly strikes a match against Hauk's desk to light his cigarette and in a bored tone of voice] Who're you?

    Bob Hauk: Hauk, Police Commissioner.

    Snake Plissken: Bob Hauk...

    Bob Hauk: Special Forces Unit "Texas Thunder"... we heard of you too, Plissken.

  • Romero: You touch me... he dies. If you're not in the air in thirty seconds... he dies. You come back in... he dies.

    Romero: [Romero takes a package out of his shirt and unwraps it to reveal the President's middle finger, complete with ring] Twenty seconds.

    Hauk: I'm ready to talk.

    Romero: Nineteen. Eighteen.

    Hauk: What do you want?

    Romero: Seventeen. Sixteen.

    Hauk: [to his soldiers] Let's go. Let's go!