Wander Comments

  • Gudrun 2023-09-28 13:07:56

    The various reversals of a good plot will hold your nerves tightly and make you unable to extricate...

  • Ellen 2023-09-08 09:46:57

    The soundtrack is like a...

  • Myrna 2023-08-06 14:29:03

    A cult-flavored + psych-flavored conspiracy theory suspense film, worth watching. There are bean friends who commented that it is better to set the characters close to "The Detective". The logic and foothold of the plot are a bit unsustainable, all right, but it is still worth...

  • Brennan 2023-07-28 06:36:30

    Barely passing the performance, but the rhythm is chaotic and the narrative is...

  • Shanie 2023-07-22 09:32:55

    Regarding the story of the persecution of immigrants and other conspiracy organizations to frame the mentally ill, the ending is that the mentally ill people have the real evidence. Jimmy's reversal is a bit blunt, and the narrative is a bit messy, but it's still pretty...

  • Elouise 2023-07-12 15:22:39

    The mysterious death of an unnamed town in the middle of the country, the big experiment of illegal immigrants implanting chips, the group scapegoating, the worst way to make a conspiracy theory, two good actors and a big bad...

  • Vinnie 2023-07-01 04:37:46

    A film without pee spots, the whole film is full of stream of consciousness, reminds me of Sin City, two generations of two-faced people contributed wonderful performances, what more do you...

  • Devon 2023-07-01 03:23:55

    The plot is a bit messy, and the shaking shots are a bit Lou Ye's motion sickness, I don't like it very...

  • Theo 2023-05-30 12:42:41

    The shooting method of literary and artistic films is half sci-fi suspense film... Except for the beautiful scenery, I don't feel much to...

  • Nikita 2023-05-18 09:06:33

    The only thing to watch is Tommy Lee Jones wearing a floral shirt, which is the...

Extended Reading

Wander quotes

  • Arthur Bretnik: There are no coincidences.

  • Arthur Bretnik: None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.


Director: April Mullen

Language: English Release date: December 4, 2020