Erased Comments

  • Duane 2023-07-06 09:34:32

    I love all the kids in...

  • Madyson 2023-06-28 20:06:44

    The big tone of the rhythm story characters and the small details presented by the action background are animated on both sides. The new thing is that the heavy feeling of the production team is to make the spatial relationship and the state of the characters in this space, try their best to simulate the perspective of live-action film and television (not reality). Then tell the truth, the last episode looked like two straight men who were in love together, wouldn't you...

  • Demarco 2023-06-19 06:51:53

    You are in your 20s, friends, and your IQ has become lower when you return to the body of a child. Many places do not make sense, and many places should be doubted....

  • Herbert 2023-06-16 10:06:30


  • Verdie 2023-06-01 20:38:37

    I was the only one who felt wrong in the middle of NTR street It's the most watery 8.8 I've ever seen! After reading the reasoning tag, I will passionately cancel the...

  • Rylan 2023-05-31 17:20:52

    I also want to look at Ai Li, a distressed girl who is too in line with the animation...

  • Bo 2023-05-24 09:15:23

    せめて Time ジャンップできる Principle を Description してほしい. The first time に戻 る た め に, the protagonist を 15 years old bed せ た こと は り す ぎ じ ゃ ない. Tomorrow see が overflow れ る retire な elementary school life. The psychology of those who are less and less fresh. What の accident の ない reasoning. こ れ ほ ど Comment 価 が High い points に is...

  • Elenor 2023-05-17 08:49:21

    Very healing movie! After falling down, he winked at the teacher very handsome, and I liked the finale very much. It was a wretched man who swiped the...

  • Maynard 2023-05-09 14:18:42

    I can accept Kayo marrying a stranger in a strange place and having children and starting a new life, but I can’t accept Kayo returning to the place before and marrying Satoru’s little friend and having children. Just a piece of shit! what the hell! ! Fortunately, Aili appeared in the end, otherwise the male protagonist is too pitiful...

  • Annetta 2023-05-08 10:47:51

    It's great when it reaches nine episodes in one...

Extended Reading

Erased quotes

  • [repeated line]

    Kayo Hinazuki: Are you stupid?