Entr'acte Comments

  • Clinton 2022-08-29 18:03:51

    "Intermission" is a short film made for the half-time screening of a Dadaist play, so its original meaning is more appropriate. Although the "Interlude" sounds more "beautiful", it does not conform to the original...

  • Kareem 2022-08-29 14:01:40

    Dada films. "Interlude may not believe much in the pleasures of life, it believes in the pleasures of invention, and it honors the desire to burst into laughter." It is beautiful to shoot ballet from the perspective of the soles of the feet, and Viggo's "Impressions of Nice" also used this in perspective (to peek at the bottom of a woman's skirt). The part of chasing the hearse lasts for ten minutes, and the more you go to the back, the more presumptuous you are. The fin at the end is very...

  • Tomas 2022-08-29 11:00:01

    It is a masterpiece of Dadaism, so Man Ray and Duchamp play chess in it as well. Dadaism emphasizes the expressiveness of the film, the angle, and the visual effect. From it, you can see the graceful ballet steps shot at 90 degrees, and the funny funeral procession. Through quick cuts, dynamic and static contrasts, fast-motion and slow-motion switching, and overlapping paintings to create an intensifying sense of speed, chasing the hearse will become a city-wide...