Entr'acte Comments

  • Reggie 2023-01-27 20:14:51

    This is actually not a good score. If you play it high, it looks like a B, but if you play it low, it's too...

  • Alexandro 2023-01-24 04:58:11

    The film is too early, and it has a certain groundbreaking in terms of filmmaking and film music. Even if there are Duchamp and Man Ray in the Cameo role, the most unexpected thing is to see Erik Satie.... The whole short film is humorous and provocative. Dadaists have the power to transform the corruption of ordinary life into magic. Laughing and joking to express his deep love for humanity and the...

  • Garry 2023-01-04 05:44:44

    Wonderful! The self-determined movement of objects-mechanical upside-down projection skirt upside down ballet-flower white boxing gloves street scene-architecture superimposed paper boat-storm-roof shaking photography shot-fountain-bird egg funeral team running team slow motion decomposition-like muybridge degrading hearse- Running team analogy - roller coaster and finally breaking through a curtain that says...

  • Stella 2022-12-29 04:07:55

    For Sati. Old silent films are also...

  • Kamryn 2022-12-12 06:12:09

    The representative work of Dadaism, a product of war, restores the original attributes of the elements of reality, and associates different substances or images by means of superimposition and splicing to form psychological hints, like a dumped chessboard and a boat that floats and undulates in the "urban wave". The roller coaster and the crowd chasing the coffin still retain a certain narrative; the music rhythm perfectly matches the picture rhythm and editing...

  • Chasity 2022-12-06 08:39:31

    The significance lies in exploring editing techniques...

  • Branson 2022-12-05 21:23:22

    I almost fell asleep. It was a very interesting exploration. The people in suits and leather shoes ran without knowing what they were running towards. It was very humorous. Each small segment can have its own interpretation. Upside down, alternating fast and slow, juxtaposition, it's probably an unprecedented collage experiment where everything is mixed together. There is associative logic, but the narrative system is abandoned in this one, and French urban life and means of transportation can...

  • Carmela 2022-11-18 15:00:34

    Experimental short films, pioneering, and the plot are still intrinsically linked! In slow motion while running, everyone ran all the way, and finally the magician in the team changed everyone! End fin, break through the curtain, and then put it backwards again, the curtain is intact! Camera shot upside down ballerina skirt! The scene of playing chess. At the beginning, everyone jumped from the cannon (?) The seemingly unrelated scene actually has an internal relationship, right?...

  • Raymundo 2022-11-13 21:52:28

    Marx said, History repeats itself first as tragedy second as farce. Inexplicable political significance is seen in this film. King of Fools. It is estimated that the political scene in France after the First World War and after the Great Revolution is quite similar. However, in the end, there was a chance for Yaosi,...

  • Eve 2022-11-09 04:44:08

    Totally my thing! ! ! Various deconstructions of reality, I feel that the people in the film live carefree, woo woo woo I really want this. I especially like to break through the fin scene, the end, the shit is over, I want to jump out of the...


Director: René Clair

Language: None,French Release date: October 4, 1979