Entr'acte Comments

  • Garett 2023-09-30 13:13:16

    Dadaism emerged in Europe at the beginning of the twentieth century, and its main characteristics include: pursuit of a sober irrational state, rejection of conventional artistic standards, disillusionment, cynicism, pursuit of unintentional, accidental, and random, and so...

  • Julie 2023-09-25 22:45:57

    It is unbelievable that a film from nearly a century ago was so bold and dreamy that in the silent era, people were more immersed in the camera, and the music and editing were closely integrated. The puppets with inflatable faces, shaking boxing gloves, and dancing dancer skirts, seem to be the eyes of Degas and the soul of Dali. Bird eggs jumping on fountains, doves flying out of fragments, movies are the most wonderful magic. Funerals, for the dead, what happens behind them is just a show,...

  • Foster 2023-09-23 07:47:21

    Early montage, sound and picture contrast, crazy chase, anti-logic of Dadaism, quite...

  • Amparo 2023-09-10 18:45:20

    #FilmHistoryLearning Dadaism's most outstanding masterpiece "Destruction is...

  • Else 2023-09-06 08:55:08

    7. Slow skirt dance, fast...

  • Oceane 2023-09-04 13:21:04

    1924 short film. Black and white, with no storyline, it feels like an avant-garde experimental work. Photography, editing and music all have highlights.

  • Denis 2023-08-29 12:08:26

    The absurd worldview, irrationality, and anti-logic of Dadaism. Randomness and imagination as the basis of art creation Claire & Duchamp (urinal "Fountain") Chasing people/driving/running/roller coaster/until they accelerate to chaos and shadowless inflatable dolls, superimposed chessboards and cities, boats in cities Walking, ballet shot from below, man in tutu, shooting, funeral dancing with joy (ascended), chasing after death but joy, man resurrected from coffin, disappearing into the world...

  • Christiana 2023-08-17 19:49:56

    What is humour, this is humour, much better than some comedy films that have to make actors cry a few times. To me, comedy is comedy, and even if you make the audience cry, you have to laugh wildly on screen. Comedians can't cry, can't kill people, can't have any of the unpleasant qualities of this...

  • Ruth 2023-08-09 07:52:57

    The masters edited it like this because they wanted to see what effect it could produce. After watching it for a few minutes, I felt that I didn’t need to watch it, and what effect could it produce? Isn’t it just weird. However, when I saw the dancer turned into an uncle, I felt a little surprised and amused, and then I went to the hunter and felt that the psychological suggestion of the target was still achieved, and after that. So in addition to the weird effect, there will still be a sense...

  • Pearl 2023-07-13 23:43:08

    Not knowing...


Director: René Clair

Language: None,French Release date: October 4, 1979