Ema Comments

  • Betsy 2023-08-06 11:54:37

    C / The more you go to the back, the more you cringe, and the extreme settings of many texts are not completely erased. The concept of the family that is trying to attack is very weak, and the concept of the novel family to be built in the end is even weaker. The body presented at the beginning is the malleability of life and should be more penetrating. The inexplicable candid thoughts among the characters are all lack of confidence in the methodology established by the film itself. Although it...

  • Bianka 2023-08-02 11:57:52

    The ending is embarrassing, it can't be regarded as a feminist film, but it is more like an interview with the leading actress at the end of the film, which is said in accented English: Lovers are friends, friends are lovers. It is more like trying to describe some contemporary young people who blur the moral boundaries. Act on scale. It felt quite...

  • Rosella 2023-07-28 04:36:51

    #41/LFF, this year, Latin America really played a lot of visual systems (Guatemala, "Shock", Colombia, "Monkey", Mexico, "This is not Berlin"), and it played quite well with a certain emotion as the basis. This may be the most prominent. , music, camera movement, lighting, city, and performance are all unified, and the most important thing is the heroine who is amazing in appearance and temperament! But looking at Gail Garcia, who once represented freedom and uninhibitedness, now has a little...

  • Evie 2023-07-23 17:07:10

    65/100 Extremely free images, spooky dance transitions and music transitions, polyhedral women who are difficult to define, the whole film sometimes indulges and sometimes shrinks, the beauty of South American magic and the sense of emotional disconnection complement each other, but it really doesn't arouse too much heart...

  • Leonora 2023-07-22 22:50:08

    [MUBI] such a controversial female character setting, the director and production team will not be unaware. But it is better to show and argue openly and nakedly than to whitewash the peaceful ostrich mentality. Intuitive form shocks (love the dance sequence) are indeed more eye-catching than the (relatively weak) story, which may be due to the fact that the entire film was shot unscripted, but if you ignore the narrative motif for this reason, I am afraid that the cart before the horse is...

  • Shaun 2023-07-22 01:30:59

    Chilean Square Dance Aunt...

  • Ashleigh 2023-07-20 09:37:36

    Strong audiovisual, weak story, the heroine is very cool, it is better to dance than fall in love. The clip was too free, and Freud saw it and wanted to hit...

  • Griffin 2023-07-14 12:54:13

    Jaar! Jaar! Jaar! The setting of the ending was an unsound addition to Ema, which I didn't particularly like, but Nicolas Jaar added the points...

  • Cory 2023-07-13 13:24:45

    [4.0/5.0] "Reggaeton" Turns "Reggaeton" and Gale doesn't seem to be very good at...

  • Remington 2023-07-13 11:08:52

    I really want to interview Mr. Chen Chong about his feelings after watching this...

Extended Reading

Ema quotes

  • Ema: I'm going to horrify you.

    Aníbal: Horrify me?

    Ema: When you know what I'm doing, and why. You will be horrified.

    Aníbal: Why wait? Scare me now.

  • Gastón: It's prison music. It's music to listen to in prison.

    [imitates beats]

    Gastón: The whole damn day. To keep you from thinking. To forget about the prison you're in and recreate it in your mind. To forget about the bars you have in front of you. That's it.

    [imitates beats]

    Gastón: It's a hypnotic rhythm that turns you into a fool. It's an illusion of freedom. So that people don't think. Yes, no, sex, drugs, yes. Heroin yes, orgies yes. But the next day, boom! You have to go to work. And you were convinced by someone. That if you moved your little hips, you'd be freer. But no. Not at all. It's falling asleep in defeat. Living in Ibiza. Picking up and moving to LA. To take selfies there all the time. And to do exactly the same thing. It's a culture of violence. Where women become purely sexual objects. And men are beasts who always screw women over. All while trying to fuck them. That's just what they want. That's the rhythm.

    [imitates beats]

    Gastón: "Don't rebel, don't think. Give it to me, give it to me." I can't believe you're dancing reggaeton, for Christ's sake! Everything we studied and felt. Everything we've practiced. And with you! All those damn fights we had. All the struggles. How we laughed at all of them! You laughed at all these girls. The very same ones. Laughing your ass off, huh. Screw them! Screw reggaeton. Fuck everything! I'm sick of this.

    Ema: Polo liked reggaeton.

    Gastón: Who is Polo?

    Sonia: You saw us dancing and you said, "Nice." What's nice? I don't know what that means. I guess you do. Because you're smarter than us, right? The only thing I know is, I don't like what I feel when I see something nice. Now I like dancing much more. Because it's like fucking, happy. With a flushed face, cussing. Hot, crazy, sexy, moving. And all of the sudden, bam! I'm surrounded by people. And they're all as horny as me. Moving as if they were fucking. But with music. It's delicious, motherfucker. That's life. And I dance life. Today, you're alive and you're here, because someone at some point got hot and had an orgasm. And today, that orgasm can be danced.


Director: Pablo Larraín

Language: Spanish Release date: August 13, 2021

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