Elling Comments

  • Angelo 2023-02-23 02:28:48

    People always need to grow up by themselves, this society is not terrible, as long as you are willing to take the first step, life will become very...

  • Shanna 2023-02-17 14:54:52

    Erin is annoying but he really loves his...

  • Bo 2023-01-13 17:38:44

    The reasons why I like Nordic films: clean, even if it is about cruelty and evil; patience, very meticulous from writing to shooting; all in one go, the plot can withstand scrutiny. The distortion is much smaller than many French and German films. Xu is the severe cold and the severe division of day and night that made such a patient story. There is a kind of natural...

  • Johanna 2022-10-06 20:54:55

    20040704 cctv6 translated name Erin

  • Adolfo 2022-09-10 09:43:26

    The world makes him anxious, and friendship makes him find a strange sense of security. He cried mysteriously on the silent street, and the beauty of those souls would one day be heard by the...

  • Melba 2022-09-04 16:22:15

    A heartwarming Norwegian...

  • Thelma 2022-08-19 23:34:43

    Very warm, clean and...

  • Andres 2022-05-06 06:01:04

    The film was nominated for the 74th Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film. It’s a pity that after exhausting all kinds of methods on the Internet, I can only find a sequel to this film, which tells the story of Aylin and his mother during their lives. It can be regarded as a "prequel" to this film. But that "prequel" is also very warm and touching, and it should be pretty good if you want to come to this...

  • Garrett 2022-05-06 06:01:04

    I want to continue to be who I am. Mother's good baby, the nameless voice on the quiet night street. ....

  • Ellen 2022-05-06 06:01:04

    When the baby was born, I cheered like the people in the film....

Extended Reading

Elling quotes

  • [Elling is about to order two train tickets to Oslo]

    Train ticket salesman: Yes?

    Elling: Yes!

    Train ticket salesman: You're going to?

    Elling: Yes, we! Kjell Bjarne and I are going to Oslo of course.

    Train ticket salesman: One way?

    Elling: There are more ways?

  • [Ticket ordering continued]

    Train ticket salesman: That'll be 130 kroner per ticket.

    Elling: 130 kroner? The last time mother and I took the train to Larvik the ticket cost 25.

    Train ticket salesman: That must have been about 30 years ago.

    Elling: Yes


Director: Petter Næss

Language: Norwegian Release date: March 16, 2001

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