Elizabeth Harvest Comments

  • Bonita 2023-09-28 02:38:57

    The setting is good, the style is very retro and hardcore! ! Split-screen viewing from two perspectives at the same time is super fun too! !...

  • Lucie 2023-09-16 14:38:58

    This type of film always seems to have particularly beautiful lighting shots and music, but it doesn't like to elaborate the story. The story is good, but unfortunately it gets boring after reading it. Both female characters are beautiful. That's...

  • Cheyanne 2023-09-06 22:32:33

    The overall atmosphere of the film is very similar to "Machine Girl" and "Moon", and the focus is still on the rationality and legitimacy of clones; Victoria's Secret supermodel Abili is the welfare of the...

  • Wilbert 2023-07-12 06:53:09

    Oh, Bluebeard is also a...

  • Angelita 2023-07-03 07:29:20

    The neon demon takes another narrative shot. The language is completely inferior to Refn. After watching it for more than ten minutes, I feel that this long mv is not finished yet. Sci-fi architectural elements are mixed and matched on ex...

  • Tamia 2023-06-01 08:18:26

    Adapted from the fairy tale of Bluebeard, fairy tale suspense sci-fi + circular...

  • Dennis 2023-04-04 12:34:03

    I saw the trailer and saw this shit. ....

  • Marlin 2023-03-06 16:00:50

    Are sci-fi movies starting to count now? See who clones more? In the previous murder week, seven were played, and this one is six. Is this meant to be on par with the Japanese and Korean girl groups? If it comes out in the future, if there are dozens of them, I will be embarrassed to call it a sci-fi film (a large group). Provide more employment...

  • Winifred 2023-03-02 05:31:00

    Bluebeard is one of my favorite stories, never expected to be turned into...

  • Elda 2023-02-22 18:51:57

    7. The only fairy tale I read when I was a child that scares me is "Bluebeard". The retro tone of this picture is quite sufficient, and the atmosphere is created very well. I think the male protagonist's contradictory and complicated emotions are still...

Extended Reading

Elizabeth Harvest quotes

  • [first lines]

    Elizabeth: [narrating] I dreamt I would meet a brilliant man. I would steal his breath away. And he in turn would steal me away from everything ugly into a secret world of our own.

  • Henry: You need to be more than a doctor to understand a person's mind. You need to be a saint. Or a prophet.