Eli Comments

  • Chance 2023-03-08 03:03:03

    3 nuns' upside-down cross is very...

  • Mariela 2023-02-28 00:45:26

    Fairly average, the suspense is well made, and the ending is a bit rushed and far-fetched, not deep...

  • Jamir 2023-02-13 08:30:21

    The sense of suspense is strong, but it is still worse than the sixth...

  • Alfreda 2023-02-10 13:51:01

    I didn't expect that Satan also has the function of sending children...

  • Chloe 2023-01-09 11:46:24

    If nothing else, this screenwriter can write so unexpectedly when the first half is so bad. For this alone, it must be 4 stars. Compared with Motong, the pattern and imagination of this film are...

  • Makayla 2023-01-01 23:15:31

    The first 2/3 are clichéd and unreasonable, but the reversal at the end is really amazing. Do you think that similar themes have been exhausted? Wrong, we also have biological therapy, genetic...

  • Ian 2022-12-07 00:14:42

    60/100 It's a good idea to "trick" the audience by using the audience's mindset about genre films to develop the idea of ​​a...

  • Erika 2022-11-26 08:33:41

    Now Satan is like Zhou Tie, and he has left seeds...

  • Marcelino 2022-10-27 00:10:01

    The whole film is for the huge reversal of the ending, only to know that this is an exorcism movie. It's wonderful, but also a little deliberate and blunt. All kinds of foreshadowing in the plot are all the director's tricks. The suspenseful atmosphere and the tight rhythm add a lot. The ingenuity of the male protagonist's name undoubtedly implements the core of the whole...

  • Pearl 2022-10-17 20:39:08

    Anti-routine exorcism...

Extended Reading

Eli quotes

  • Eli: Take a deep breath in. Blow out all your candles. Make a wish.

  • Rose: How dare you

    Paul: How dare I? How DARE I! After what you did, you were the one who said you'd try anything


Director: Ciarán Foy

Language: English Release date: October 18, 2019

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