Selmer 2023-07-15 10:20:02
"Flying House Travels" side story. Brother Dao should be a golden retriever, so...
Preston 2023-07-15 07:22:33
Stick Comedy Principles...
Marjolaine 2023-07-03 19:45:00
so short. dug is so...
Carolyn 2023-06-21 16:43:03
The special task is to be...
Paris 2023-06-18 02:28:11
Alpha's voice is so...
Sigurd 2023-06-16 17:49:24
Dug is so cute, golden retrievers that are fatter than Lucky are...
Augusta 2023-05-18 11:51:03
Funny and sad, but the more I watch it, the more I love it. Dug's image and character are so perfectly shaped that it's impossible not to like...
Kimberly 2023-05-17 11:57:11
Silly dogs have silly blessings and still have...
Houston 2023-05-17 03:20:14
Those three dogs were so miserable. . . Always focus on supporting roles. ....
Webster 2023-04-23 08:55:01
As a prequel to the main character, supplementing and explaining the main film is an important feature of short films. Doug, the dog is so eye-catching, his personal biography is actually very popular....
Dug's Special Mission Comments
Alpha: [speaking in a high-pitched broken collar voice to Dug, who is in a hole in the ground] This is the bird's favorite hole. Under no circumstances are you permitted to SQUIRREL!
[Alpha, Beta, and Gamma quickly snap their heads to look to screen left. Dug glances in that direction. Alpha regains his composure]
Alpha: - ever leave this hole. Do you understand the words that I am saying to you now?
Dug: Oh yes. I will stay in the hole and I will capture the bird.
Alpha: [all three start to walk away] Yes... definitely!
Gamma: [to Alpha] That oughta do it.
Beta: Yeah.
Dug: I will stay in the hole. I will stay in the hole. I will... stay in the...
[starts to sink into the hole]
Dug: Now I am going down the hole.
[continues sliding on sinking sand]
Dug: It is dark in the hole.
Alpha: [Alpha, Beta, and Gamma are hunting Kevin the Snipe, only a few yards away] This is our day, my lieutenants. Master will have much rewa...
[his ears perk up, Kevin runs away, and Dug falls on top of them in a heap of sand]
Dug: [sitting on top of the three, who are half-buried in sand] Hey! My pack is in the hole too!