Duel Comments

  • Owen 2022-03-27 09:01:09

    The debut is always subject to objective factors such as funding. Spielberg used two cars to chase on a lonely road, creating enough tension through repeated and effective means, including many of the usual tricks of commercial films, and even the ending. There are also shadows of some big scenes. The simplicity of the story and the vagueness of the background explanations add a different look to the...

  • Rosella 2022-03-27 09:01:09

    Really want to give 5 stars. It's a complete road chase, from start to finish, it's so exciting and dangling, an incredible...

  • Natalia 2022-03-27 09:01:09

    Behind the seemingly minimal premise of the car chase story, the rich social and cultural connotations of American car culture, highway urban legends, the male protagonist's middle-class male anxiety, and the city's imagination/fear of hillbilly are all hidden in the story. With an overall Hitchcock-esque suspense drive and camera language, Spielberg's debut is much more than just showing off the talent of an up-and-coming genre...

  • Felipe 2022-03-27 09:01:09

    Look at Stephen's famous work, this book is much thinner than The Shawshank...

  • Jade 2022-03-27 09:01:09

    Simple and rude, Spielberg's early films are so...

  • Lenna 2022-03-27 09:01:09

    No blood, ghosts, zombies, mysterious mansions, dark-eyed twins. Unparalleled camera design and plot settings under Spielberg's hands turn a dull Nevada road movie under the sun into a gripping suspense movie that won't stop you from watching the...

  • Bailee 2022-03-27 09:01:09

    I really did not expect a road truck from start to finish! Although there are many other ways to deal with it, it's still hard to imagine how horrifying it would be to encounter such a thing on the road. . The invisible tension is about to come out, and if there is another reversal in the end, it will be really...

  • Paxton 2022-03-26 09:01:07

    A change for Spielberg. The chasing and killing for no reason makes people feel creepy, and the villain who has an absolute advantage in speed and strength, but never shows up from beginning to end, is as oppressive and mysterious as a deep-sea monster. The story is so simple that it relies on the camera and editing to create a terrifying atmosphere. It is always sunny and sunny in the movie, but the people who watch it are all hairy. It can't be more awesome that the debut film can be made...

  • Carroll 2022-03-26 09:01:07

    Let's challenge it, this is this guy's directorial debut. I saw motion sickness, really, really, no exaggeration at all. With a few minutes left, I finally turned off the DVD and went to...

  • Malvina 2022-03-26 09:01:07


Extended Reading

Duel quotes

  • David Mann: That truck driver's crazy, he's been trying to kill me, I mean it!

    Bus Driver: Well, mister, if I was to vote on who's crazy around here, it'd be you.

  • David Mann: Well it's about time, Charlie!


Director: Steven Spielberg

Language: English Release date: November 13, 1971

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