Duel Comments

  • Giles 2022-03-21 09:02:11

    Don't look at just two cars playing on the highway. One of them is a big truck. It doesn't lose speed and passion. First of all, the truck driver has never met. He looks like a ghost and is completely crazy. It's terrifying. , It was too strong. At first, good words to persuade, but it didn't work at all, so it intensified, and the urge to kill suddenly...

  • Andres 2022-03-20 09:01:57

    One of the thousands of shadows that still dare not learn to drive with a driver's license,...

  • Holden 2021-12-31 08:01:59

    Four and a half stars. Spielberg directed his feature film debut (existing), but he did not expect that Lao Si was already brewing the theme of monsters-the whole film fights wits with unknown monsters, or people's fear of unknown things, or big fish eating small fish metaphor. The different repetitions of the plot form suspense and comedy. The psychology of the characters and the normal face are perfectly integrated. The mirror movement is very good under the simple text, especially the ending...

  • Ulises 2021-12-31 08:01:59

    The road bullying incident without reason or logic is so nonsensical that it has a certain metaphysical sense of fatalism. The meticulous cross-editing, the mastery of the rhythm, the atmosphere, and the thrilling sound effects, I don't know how many films have been borrowed. They are at the forefront of the times as soon as they are shot. Some people are really born to eat...

  • Grayce 2021-12-31 08:01:59

    Spielberg actually made such a movie. . This is the Need for Speed ​​version of Desperate Chase. . From the beginning to the end, the whole journey is on the highway. It is about a big truck chasing after a small broken car inexplicably. The ending is a story of catching up. After shooting for more than an hour, I still watched it with gusto. I praised it as a...

  • Courtney 2021-12-31 08:01:59

    The whole fable of power, when the rules are not sound, the weak can almost always be the weak. Unprovoked malice seems to be the pioneer of the Coen brothers. Spielberg may never make a better film than...

  • Lola 2021-12-31 08:01:59

    After the novel "Duel" was published in "Playboy" magazine, Spielberg, who was only 23 years old and working at Universal, put it on the TV screen. After the film was broadcast on the TV station, it caused a certain response. Spielberg edited the 74-minute TV version into a 90-minute theater version. It participated in the European Film Festival and gained wide popularity and praise. Spielberg got the opportunity to shoot "Jaws" because of this...

  • Millie 2021-12-31 08:01:59

    The movie watching process is very tormented, like being stuck on a genus chord and it is completely unresolved. All elements are mobilized to create anxiety and anxiety, the soundtrack, fragmentation, close-ups, the use of audiovisual language is very mature, and the blur of the truck driver. Image and motivation are a suspenseful motif throughout the film. The characters are caught in an illogically dangerous situation and repeat back and forth, like an analysis of Freud's dream. "What should...

  • Jacklyn 2021-12-31 08:01:59

    In just 10 days of shooting, using strict storyboards, a road thriller meant by Hitchcock was completed. Spielberg's debut is...

  • Alexander 2021-12-31 08:01:59

    Highly recommended, blockbuster standard. As long as it can be made like this, a blockbuster can be made. Simple and easy-to-use trick: small red car vs big black car. Clean vs. dirty. The voice is shrill vs. heavy. Low camera, small wide angle, big foreground, car viewpoint, deformed close-up. Most of the mechanical beasts of large trucks are created by sound, and finally understand the concept of sound editing. The devil is shaped by the language of the movie without acting at all, just like...

Extended Reading

Duel quotes

  • David Mann: That truck driver's crazy, he's been trying to kill me, I mean it!

    Bus Driver: Well, mister, if I was to vote on who's crazy around here, it'd be you.

  • David Mann: Well it's about time, Charlie!


Director: Steven Spielberg

Language: English Release date: November 13, 1971

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