Novella 2022-04-24 07:01:14
An amazing thriller, the level of ingenuity is almost at the...
Lucinda 2022-04-24 07:01:14
This is the worst directorial debut I've ever...
Jarret 2022-04-24 07:01:14
This is a cool movie, with a strong style atmosphere and Hitchcock-style thriller that you don't want to miss for a second, like...
Ludwig 2022-04-24 07:01:14
Spielberg's debut. A very simple story that whets the audience's appetite with tight suspense. This is his brilliance, a person who is good at telling stories, and even the simplest stories can arouse the interest of the audience. But after watching it, I only sighed that it was a really boring movie. I thought it was another movie about persecutory paranoia, but the ending was too straightforward, causing the whole movie to taste like chewing...
Caitlyn 2022-04-24 07:01:14
Good times last year at the Film Archive! !...
Garth 2022-04-24 07:01:14
The script is so good. It would be even better if it was another half...
Boris 2022-04-24 07:01:14
The debut feature begins with "giant monsters," the hallmark of Spielberg's style, a new Hollywood...
Guillermo 2022-04-24 07:01:14
Spielberg belongs to the kind of famous director who is young, just like Tsui...
Preston 2022-04-23 07:02:34
[4.0] From the viewing point of view, "Duel" is a "good-looking" movie, which properly combines action movies, horror movies and Hitchcock-style suspense, without giving people a heavy look and feel. The cleverness of the script concept frees the film from the shackles of low cost. On the one hand, it has the lightness of independent films, and on the other hand, it has the mainstream type and considerable completion of Hollywood commercial films. What gives the possibility of a masterpiece of...
Jade 2022-04-23 07:02:34
Spielberg's genius work, from the beginning to the end, did not reveal the murderous god of the highway at all, and the mysterious and unknown fear runs through the whole film, and this pure and absurd horror story is like a panacea, full of many interesting symbolic spaces, when A...
Duel Comments
Uriah 2021-12-31 08:01:59
I just want to tease you
It was a cloudy day, and I learned that a speech that I planned to write was not in such a hurry, so watching this movie, which was kept on the computer for a long time, became a natural thing.
I have been driving and driving, and I didn't realize what was going on at first, and then I was... -
John 2021-12-31 08:01:59
Road rage driver bullying for no reason, straw dog fights back
Spielberg's directorial debut, a suspense thriller road film with a simple plot.
Reminiscent of straw dogs, there are many stories in European and American movies where such cowardly protagonists were bullied for no reason and finally rose up to resist.
The simpler the movie, the easier it is to...
David Mann: [David Mann mistakenly thinks that the man eating a sandwich in the cafe is the truck driver harassing him] Look, uh... I want you to cut it out.
Man in Cafe: [bites into sandwich, chewing] Wha?
David Mann: Just... just cut it out, okay?
Man in Cafe: [bites into sandwich again, chewing] Cut what out?
David Mann: Now come on, let's uh... let's not play games.
Man in Cafe: What the hell you talkin' about?
David Mann: I can call the police.
Man in Cafe: [stops eating, looks suprised] Police?
David Mann: You think that I won't? You're wrong, mister. I mean if you think you can just... just take that... that truck of yours and use it as a murder weapon and uh... killin' people on the highway... you're wrong! You got another thing comin'!
Man in Cafe: [shakes head, fed up] Man, you need help.
David Mann: [Mann slaps the sandwich out of his hand] Don't you tell me I need *help*!
Man in Cafe: [punches Mann in the stomach]
Cafe Owner: [piercing, nasal voice] Heeeeeey!
Cafe Owner: [as David Mann exits cafe restroom and enters dining area] Are you all right?
David Mann: Yeah, I'm fine.
Cafe Owner: What happened out there?
David Mann: Oh, just a slight complication.
Cafe Owner: Oh? Looked like a big complication to me!
[Cafe patrons laugh. Mann gives an irritated look]