Drumline Comments

  • Jevon 2023-07-10 09:56:51

    This movie gave me goosebumps! Drums are crazy...

  • Madilyn 2023-06-24 05:19:43

    There are too many types of campus singing and dancing, but it is a very special entry point to beat the drums. The handsome drums are accompanied by hip-hop dance, which is very...

  • Rosendo 2023-06-18 04:33:57

    I can see that my heart is surging, it sounds very...

  • Dorothy 2023-06-16 10:07:00

    Recommended for first-year freshmen to...

  • Laverne 2023-06-09 13:23:46

    The boy No.1 is really unpleasant, and really wants to smoke him with his big mouth....

  • Connor 2023-06-07 09:24:47

    Remember it was Yang Du who showed it to...

  • Mossie 2023-05-25 04:56:23

    How out I am... my jaw is about to fall... This little guy is actually married to Mariah...

  • Hermann 2023-05-23 09:03:27

    Consistent American campus inspirational film, this kind of film is not bad, the music and drum performances are quite dazzling, and the ending needs to be...

  • Hilbert 2023-05-16 07:50:24

    Middle school music class....

  • Athena 2023-05-13 03:00:46

    After reading everything, I want to knock...

Extended Reading

Drumline quotes

  • Devon: How about we start over?

    Laila: I'd like that.

    [extends hand to Devon]

    Devon: I'm Devon.

    Laila: Laila.

    [shakes hands with Devon]

    Devon: So what's your major?

    Laila: Dance.

    Devon: Give me a hug.

  • BET Announcer #2: What's up Atlanta, how y'all doing?

    BET Announcer #1: What's up, ATL?

    BET Announcer #2: I'm Free, y'all!

    BET Announcer #1: And I'm A.J. for B.E.T.'s Top 10 Live, how y'all doing out there?

    [entire stadium cheers]

    BET Announcer #2: It has been an amazing night, y'all. We haven't stopped grooving since we started.

    BET Announcer #1: No doubt all the bands have performed and put it down, you made it very difficult for the judges to decide...

    BET Announcer #2: So hard...

    BET Announcer #1: Uh...

    BET Announcer #2: So hard in fact that today we have...

    BET Announcer #1BET Announcer #2: a two-way tie!

    BET Announcer #2: That's right, y'all. We have a two-way tie.

    BET Announcer #1: Y'all have to give it up for the bands, they worked really hard to get here tonight, but two have stood out from the rest.

    BET Announcer #2: And I don't know about y'all, but the suspense is killing me, so let's get right through it. Okay, so Mr. Wade, from Morris Brown...

    [Morris Brown crowd cheers]

    BET Announcer #1: and Dr. Lee from A&T, please step forward!

    Dr. Lee: Yes!

    [A&T crowd cheers]

    BET Announcer #2: Ladies and gentlemen, for the first time, in the history of the B.E.T. Big Southern Classic...

    BET Announcer #1: A&T and Morris Brown will meet center field! The drum lines are going to put it down for the championship!

    Mr. Wade: [to Dr. Lee] Bring it on!

    BET Announcer #2: Both bands will perform two drum cadences. The judges will make their decision on who will take the $50,000 prize.