Doubt Comments

  • Barton 2022-03-21 09:01:47

    The performance is really wonderful. As for the story itself, the director's intention to cast doubts is very...

  • Jordy 2022-03-20 09:01:40

    Do not know the truth, doubt to the end. The dialogue lines are of high quality and quality. Meryl Streep's performance is really good, the sharp aura sweeps everything, and she is deeply attracted to her. The overall acting skills in this drama are all in place, and some of the clashes are really exciting, although I still can't get used to Amy...

  • Wilfrid 2022-03-20 09:01:40

    i concertrated the whole length of the movie, and got d answer from the "sister"... there was "doubt" for...

  • Jairo 2021-11-27 08:01:19

    The several opponents in this movie are very shocking. A lot of work has been done to adapt to a movie, but the stage play still feels that there are some strong characters. The first-class eyes are excellent. Each character is contradictory and deep. Streep is also of high quality as...

  • Terry 2021-11-27 08:01:19

    I feel wronged by giving 4 stars, I hesitate to give 5 stars. Where did the $20 million investment in this film go? This is not a questioning, but a...

  • Arielle 2021-11-27 08:01:19

    If it is not called Doubt, but Salvation, film reviews will undoubtedly go to another branch. Suddenly I felt that not only was it better to never suspect a crime, but it was also more convenient to never suspect a...

  • Gudrun 2021-11-27 08:01:19

    Immediately afterwards, they looked at suspiciously, and it turned out that the two suspiciously had nothing to do with each other. They were relatively indifferent to this film, with a long and boring conversation and an annoying old...

  • Jess 2021-11-27 08:01:19

    I only entered the state after watching 2/3. 【02-05-2010 19:46...

  • Anabel 2021-11-27 08:01:19

    The conservative and frightening Sister Aloysius, the cutting-edge Father Brendan, the kind Sister James, and Mrs. Miller, who played few but very bright spots, the Quartet has turned the Catholic school into a value. Faith and knowledge compete fiercely with each other. Arena. Let the story not fall into an obvious discussion about black and white. The austere tones and photography make this "competition" more real and...

  • Donna 2021-11-27 08:01:19

    In fact, it is a very small thing, or even a thing that does not exist at all. It is probably just a thought in the mind. It has been magnified into such a nervous and breath-holding movie, which really explains what a "heart demon" is. ——Perhaps especially for people with religious beliefs. It’s an adaptation of the stage play, so it’s so cool to watch the actors' Biao play, but in the end, did Mei Gu overplay a bit? Davis didn’t have many plays but the most...

Extended Reading

Doubt quotes

  • Father Brendan Flynn: Doubt can be a bond as powerful and sustaining as certainty. When you are lost, you are not alone.

  • Father Brendan Flynn: A woman was gossiping with her friend about a man whom they hardly knew - I know none of you have ever done this. That night, she had a dream: a great hand appeared over her and pointed down on her. She was immediately seized with an overwhelming sense of guilt. The next day she went to confession. She got the old parish priest, Father O' Rourke, and she told him the whole thing. 'Is gossiping a sin?' she asked the old man. 'Was that God All Mighty's hand pointing down at me? Should I ask for your absolution? Father, have I done something wrong?' 'Yes,' Father O' Rourke answered her. 'Yes, you ignorant, badly-brought-up female. You have blamed false witness on your neighbor. You played fast and loose with his reputation, and you should be heartily ashamed.' So, the woman said she was sorry, and asked for forgiveness. 'Not so fast,' says O' Rourke. 'I want you to go home, take a pillow upon your roof, cut it open with a knife, and return here to me.' So, the woman went home: took a pillow off her bed, a knife from the drawer, went up the fire escape to her roof, and stabbed the pillow. Then she went back to the old parish priest as instructed. 'Did you gut the pillow with a knife?' he says. 'Yes, Father.' 'And what were the results?' 'Feathers,' she said. 'Feathers?' he repeated. 'Feathers; everywhere, Father.' 'Now I want you to go back and gather up every last feather that flew out onto the wind,' 'Well,' she said, 'it can't be done. I don't know where they went. The wind took them all over.' 'And that,' said Father O' Rourke, 'is gossip!'


Director: John Patrick Shanley

Language: English Release date: December 25, 2008