Doubt Comments

  • Queenie 2023-09-28 08:34:42

    After watching it twice in a row, the acting gods are really enjoyable to watch. How can Aunt Mei be able to act like what, and fight wherever she...

  • Carli 2023-09-17 04:34:30

    When I watched it, I kept thinking of Hard Candy, and I felt that the character setting first gave you a trap, making you emotionally biased towards the male protagonist, while portraying the persistence of the female protagonist as paranoid, but the truth is another matter. "If Meryl didn't cry at the end, it would be more hard candy~anyway, Philip Seymour Hoffman, I'm your big fan~...

  • Erica 2023-09-13 23:26:56

    "There is a gust of wind behind everyone, manipulating our lives." Human beings have actually crossed the moral red line while exposing their unethical behavior. The dramatic scenes of several leading actors far exceed the highlights of the film's plot...

  • Zelda 2023-09-11 06:04:18

    The story is simple, so you can stay awake and watch it with curiosity when you are sleepy at noon. The whole movie is almost entirely aimed at bringing Mei Gu's performance to the highest level, so the emphasis in some places is very incongruous. The whole is still a little enlightening. I think of another movie called proof, but it's actually quite boring = =. The intention is not hard enough and not deep enough, but a good...

  • Abigayle 2023-08-12 11:38:14

    When everything points to the godfather's fault, Sister Aloysisus says "I have doubts" at the end (BTW, the acting is pretty...

  • Clay 2023-06-25 08:49:25

    Movies worth thinking about. It's not easy to make a 100-minute movie for a simple conflict with no clear outcome. It is entirely supported by acting, editing and shooting, and the regulations are clear. I like it. As for the interpretation of doubt, think...

  • Dewayne 2023-06-23 18:22:28

    Yesterday saw someone preaching today. . . doubt...

  • Laurie 2023-06-16 00:54:54

    What is the scariest thing in the world? It is a stubborn old-fashioned idea, and a paranoid vitriol! Resolutely break these regressive thoughts and...

  • Elsie 2023-06-15 10:17:31

    To be honest, I don't want to watch this movie, but I always feel it will be very depressing. When I first watched the introduction, I even screwed up the plot. The part about the gossip is very exciting. The debate is unparalleled. really a good...

  • Eulalia 2023-05-22 17:18:40

    8.7; Away from God or Service to...

Extended Reading

Doubt quotes

  • Father Brendan Flynn: Doubt can be a bond as powerful and sustaining as certainty. When you are lost, you are not alone.

  • Father Brendan Flynn: A woman was gossiping with her friend about a man whom they hardly knew - I know none of you have ever done this. That night, she had a dream: a great hand appeared over her and pointed down on her. She was immediately seized with an overwhelming sense of guilt. The next day she went to confession. She got the old parish priest, Father O' Rourke, and she told him the whole thing. 'Is gossiping a sin?' she asked the old man. 'Was that God All Mighty's hand pointing down at me? Should I ask for your absolution? Father, have I done something wrong?' 'Yes,' Father O' Rourke answered her. 'Yes, you ignorant, badly-brought-up female. You have blamed false witness on your neighbor. You played fast and loose with his reputation, and you should be heartily ashamed.' So, the woman said she was sorry, and asked for forgiveness. 'Not so fast,' says O' Rourke. 'I want you to go home, take a pillow upon your roof, cut it open with a knife, and return here to me.' So, the woman went home: took a pillow off her bed, a knife from the drawer, went up the fire escape to her roof, and stabbed the pillow. Then she went back to the old parish priest as instructed. 'Did you gut the pillow with a knife?' he says. 'Yes, Father.' 'And what were the results?' 'Feathers,' she said. 'Feathers?' he repeated. 'Feathers; everywhere, Father.' 'Now I want you to go back and gather up every last feather that flew out onto the wind,' 'Well,' she said, 'it can't be done. I don't know where they went. The wind took them all over.' 'And that,' said Father O' Rourke, 'is gossip!'