Don't F**k with Cats: Hunting an Internet Killer Comments

  • Stefan 2022-11-21 13:41:58

    tis guy's totally fucked up...

  • Izabella 2022-11-16 16:06:33

    The human nature on the Internet is terrible, and in reality it is also true. I personally disagree with the statement of an accomplice. Looking back, the real pursuit was only after the victim was discovered. Although the actions of the two online comrades were admirable, they actually did not play a substantial role in the entire case. The most sad thing is that Lin Jun's family didn't get an explanation, or even an apology, as if his death was just the climax of the story, and it ended in a...

  • Jasmin 2022-11-14 17:01:34

    The rhythm is good, and it is curious enough, three hours and three episodes in one go. Serial killers always seek attention; gangsters always seek excitement and forget their troubles. Tale as old as...

  • Elbert 2022-11-13 10:17:59

    The social significance of the Internet is greater than the meaning of the case. A criminal who is not high in IQ nor legendary, only because of excessive behavior, caused a sensation on the Internet, and was exaggerated and even sought after. The inferior and dark aspects of human beings have been revealed, but civilization and brilliance have not seen much. This is not wrong at first, because humans are inherently unbearable. But the fault is that the offender is not punished, the victim is...

  • Annette 2022-11-10 11:23:04

    That last minute really isn't necessary. I vaguely remember this case, but there was no connection at the beginning. By the end of the second episode, I couldn't stand it anymore. There was really no way to get back across the Internet. Thank you to these people who tracked him from the beginning. , I hope they can digest the guilt and continue to live in the...

  • Isaiah 2022-11-01 05:06:57

    Many people have said the good places, here are a few problems that I can see. First, the murderer cannot get the punishment he deserves under the system, which is equivalent to succeeding, which is disgusting. The second is that the animal protection team, which was a daring actor, did not seem to have played any role in solving the case, but was moved by himself and had a faint air of narcissus. The third is that the other hand in the python piece has no explanation. In the end, the suspected...

  • Trycia 2022-10-04 15:23:03

    It's amazing, it's much better than a...

  • Brittany 2022-09-18 14:41:09

    The film is generally worthy of admiration, and the layers are very clear. This case is also worth analyzing in the Internet age. As for the last question, I personally feel that there is no need for everyone to shake their doubts. In an era without the Internet, is there no such type of murderous maniac? ? They need an audience, and they will find ways to gain an audience. This mentality and purpose have never changed. What has changed is only the means. Being exploited without knowing oneself...

  • Nicolette 2022-09-13 23:07:59

    The legendary fan-favorite killer, Crispy Duck Ice Love Literature materialization. American documentaries are still as objective as ever, and people from all walks of life can speak out. I don't think it was Western material entertainment to the death that contributed to this tragedy. The wider public order and good customs are the product of material...

  • Winfield 2022-09-13 08:57:07

    For the average docuseries, its coherent and tight narrative thread and rhythm is amazing. But in order to package a shocking tragedy into a twisted detective story, it must have left out or ignored some key logical chains—but like all commercials with a similar strategy, these deficiencies aren’t necessarily so unsightly that we can’t stop complaining. In addition to the fascinating content and the moral controversies that should not be launched here, it is not afraid to expose the harmless...